Pen pals/communication ideas


Staff member
Just wanted to toss an idea out there that needs tweaked. I know some people have mentioned phone calls, etc and was curious if anyone wants to do a pen pal type thing? I'm not sure how we would materialize this yet but was curious if anyone was interested/had other ideas.
Hi @Kiogal, that's interesting and is worth giving it some thought. But in all honesty that's what the private message option here is for, not only for people to give each other a message they don't want the rest of the forum to see, but people can communicate on it indefinitely. I know it does happen!!! Each PM takes 50 messages at a time and when you get to the 50, just start a new topic. And then while using the PM option people can exchange email addresses with each other and that leads to relationships that are exactly like pen pals, but may be even better!
And one thing in this age of the Internet and emails and all of that, the concept of pen pals is something that started in the letter writing and postage stamps era but has now evolved into online forums, emails and private messaging on those forums. The beauty of that is, it's instantaneous, no stamps required, no waiting at the mail box for days and you can write as much (or as little) as you want.
But those are my two cents' worth! Anybody have other ideas????
I know for me getting to the post office is a pain in the a$$. I’m a modern guy. Chat, message boards, email. And now ZOOM! I have been a part of some zoom calls with other Incontienent folks. It’s fun! Maybe we could do that.
I think Zoom-ing with other incontinent folks sounds interesting and rewarding, but unfortunately I'm not set up for Zoom and I'm kind of camera-shy to boot!!
I really like the whole idea. I know on the forum everyone talks about incontinence issues and how we deal with it and give ideas on coping with it. But behind every person there is someone who has a life and someone who is worth knowing as a person, even if we don't live around the corner from one another.
And the pen pal idea (be it Zoom or PM or email, or even just mail) is a great one as those who stick with it know others have had interesting careers, or live in (or have lived in) places that pique your curiosity, or maybe just share hobbies or other special interests. That adds another dimension to those we already talk with on the forum and really allows a real person to emerge from behind that user name. I have done it with others and believe me, it works!
@Koigal you always come up with interesting questions and great ideas.

I find it fascinating that the conversation here branched two different ways right off the bat. Pen pals which are one-to-one conversations, and zoom chats that are (usually) group meetings.

Pen pals is a nice idea - but I kind of feel the community here are already my pen pals.

Zoom calls would be interesting - especially if we based each group call on a given "topic".

Of course the opposite would be interesting too - group calls that were fre-form, or even calls that were deliberately not about incontinence and allowed us to get to know more about "the person behind the condition".

Those of us in tiny out-of-the-way countries may struggle to be awake at the right time. But this is still a great idea!
I think all of these ideas are wonderful to be honest. I totally forgot about Zoom, but also adding dimensions to people so we can grow as a community could be interesting. Not sure how we would flesh these out as of yet with my sleepy morning brain but I see great potential. My biggest concern with each of these is peoples personal safety and that is something I'm not sure how we would balance out yet, at the same time it probably isn't that hard to do. The zoom calls have the biggest potential, especially 101 unless topics are wanting to be represented.

While we are at it, I was also considering a chat program like Telegram, Kik, etc but only if others feel comfortable. I know this would allow direct communication without the messaging limits.
Well @Phil6003, that is a good thought, saying that you feel the community here can already be considered pen pals. I agree totally! But maybe we can call it keyboard pals????
I have had a lot of nice conversations with a lot of terrific people here and getting to know them has been an enriching experience for me.
With this community we cover many different time zones but the thing to remember is your keyboard is never closed on weekends or holidays or late at night, if you feel like chatting with somebody. I think it's worked well for me but it's good to kick around other ideas for communicating as well to bring even more dimension to an already good experience.
Well said @billliveshere.

The keyboard knows neither night nor day. It clicks away happily either way.
All true @Phil6003, even though my typing "skills" (or lack thereof) may cause my keyboard to groan in agony!!!😧
Some guys from here got together within the past year and had a zoom and really enjoyed it.

I’m bad at PMs/DMs because I always want to write so much I wait until I’m on my laptop instead of my phone (I usually check the forum on my phone), but then once on my laptop, I forget to ‘Rona get to the PMs. My apologies to those who have PMed me. It’s ridiculous that by wanting to say a lot, I end up saying nothing!

Personally, I love the idea of the good old mail, also.
honestly, what I'd really like to see is an email group of friends from this forum

I like, for example, to share things I find online- and it would be nice to have a few people who enjoy humor and inspiration to share them with or just to check in with now and again, sort of like a general interest group

let's say, I dunno.. their's someone who is interested in praying.

well, it's obviously not something for everyone, so it would be cool if that person started an email group of folks who also enjoyed praying, to pray together. that kind of thing

or people of a certain age, people in a certain location, what ever
my email address is free to anyone that asks for it. I don't bite

I don't post it pubblickly on the forums, since I don't want anyone to visit this page, see it and message me randomly. it's important to know who you're talking to
emily91 said:
honestly, what I'd really like to see is an email group of friends from this forum

I like, for example, to share things I find online- and it would be nice to have a few people who enjoy humor and inspiration to share them with or just to check in with now and again, sort of like a general interest group

let's say, I dunno.. their's someone who is interested in praying.

well, it's obviously not something for everyone, so it would be cool if that person started an email group of folks who also enjoyed praying, to pray together. that kind of thing

or people of a certain age, people in a certain location, what ever

@emily91 I think email would actually be the easiest way to do this, now that I think about this.

The next question would be how do we go about the next aspect? Should we create mini profiles for people and have them basically message to keep in touch? Thoughts?
easy way of doing it

you ask the forum who would be interested in this let's say... group

then, everyone who is, private messages you their email address

then, you send an email to everyone on that list so that everyone who asked for the addresses, have them and can make their own distribution lists containing those addresses. then, when ever they want to check in, they just remember, when writing an email, to use that list of a addresses so everyone gets it

I'm sorry, I'm making this sound pretty complicated- but it isn't. I know people who have done it, and I've done it myself, so it can be done
The potential for everyone here to stay in touch is really great and everyone here has presented many workable opportunities. And @snow, I know what you mean when you want to say a lot and then for some reason you end up saying nothing! And that happens to me as well! And yes, there is good old mail too for that really personal touch!!! That includes birthday and Christmas cards.
But living on different continents and states is not that big an obstacle thanks to the internet and email and other technology! It is really amazing to contemplate.
Well you know I complain about all of these political and just plain crap "business" emails I get all the time so it's nice to be able to get emails you want to read for a change!!!
snow said:
I’m bad at PMs/DMs because I always want to write so much I wait until I’m on my laptop instead of my phone (I usually check the forum on my phone)
Snow - I'm exactly the same but opposite!

I check the forum on my phone and try to flick out a short pithy response - but then end up pecking with one finger at the tiny phone-keyboard for ages.

I can't write a short message to save my life, and by the time I find myself into a third paragraph I'm wishing I was on my laptop.

Sigh. It just happened again.
Hi @Phil6003, I tried hunting and pecking on one of those tiny phone keyboards a couple of times and it was just an exercise in futility!!
And there was room for only one finger and I just said, "I don't see how anyone can do it!" After all I have enough trouble typing on a regular computer keyboard as my fingers tend to wander all over the place as it is!
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