Oxybutynin success for dry nights?


Staff member
Hi my daughter is 10 and has been taking Oxybutynin since she was 5 to control day time wetting die to involuntary bladder release. We have managed to reduce her dose from 15ml per day to 5ml per day so we're really pleased with her progress.
She is now being invited to sleep overs and is not keen to go as she is still in nappies at night time. We are trying out a bet wetting alarm for night time. Has anyone on Oxybutynin had success at staying dry at night?
Welcome to the forum I have worn nappies all my life at bed time and can relate to your daughter I missed out on sleep over ms when I was a kid I just wish I had the strength back then to be able to confid in my close friends but couldn't as I was too ashamed. I haven't tried oxybutnin

Steve uk
Welcome kiwiz, there are many meds out there and I’ve seen many people have luck with them. I do t know the long term effects in the body with these meds but it seems your doing it right by reducing the amount and continuing to try to find a way to help your daughter gain control of her bladder!! Don’t ever give up on that and I hope she can overcome this issue!!
I have been on 15mg of oxybutynin, for several years. My urologist, I must be on this for the rest of my life. I did notice a little less night time wetting, but not enough with me to make a difference. Mainly, for me its for my painful bladder spasms.

It makes me very sad that this is a issue for her. She has a medical condition, instead of some of the things they are teaching them in school, they should be teaching more kindness.
physlink said:
@KiwiZ I didn't get on very well with this med, but I hope that you find something that helps, Phil

Phil, I do not either, its making me more forgetful, but I do not have many options, suffer painful spasms, that does increase my incontinence. Urologist is talking with me about starting bladder instillations.
Hi, it helps me with bladder spasms but not much of a difference with night leaking. I’m sure their is another med to help with that. I missed sleepovers too. I feel for all of us that missed out on that part of life. Check with your doctor and see if they can recommend something to help.
Be Blessed my friends, and be a Blessing to someone else.
My 9 yo has tried many different meds. None has been perfect. Right now she’s on Myrbetriq. She still has daytime wetting, but nights are good, most of the time. She wears a diaper at all times. We’re working on building her confidence so she can enjoy sleepovers, camp, play dates, etc. It’s tough for her, but we remind her that she has a medical condition, it’s not her fault, her friends like her for her personality not her bladder, etc. She has confided in 2 friends. Not a lot, but it’s a start! Good luck to you and your daughter.
Boomersway, early this year, I had the bladder instillation and the pain was so bad that I messaged my Urologist to never do this again. In June, I had a bladder distention and Botox and have been pain free since. I know the Botox is a temporary relief, but I also know I can have it done again when I need it. The bladder instillation was performed in the Urologist’s office and the bladder distention and Botox were done under anesthesia.
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