Other than pee


Staff member
Okay this is probably 5th or 6th time in a year. I'll be walking along and all of a sudden i feel a BM moving through my bowels. Not a loose one just a regular one. All of a sudden it just drops out of my butt. No pushing, or pressure to sau hey go poop.

It just moves all by itself. I've had incontinence issues since my rp and radiation 9 years ago. Never experienced this till about a year ago. Im 57
I've had a similar experience, fortunately though, only while seated on the toilet. Occasionally a small amount of poop seems to just drop out, without any sort of intentional muscle contracting on my part. Like you, I had both a RP and radiation. I suspect the radiation kind of “cooks” you a little bit, and that bowel function changes. That’s complete speculation on my part.
I have had very liquid like bowel movements since radiation. It only takes the slightest urge. Urologist says lower intestine doesn’t absorb as much water as before. Fiber helps somewhat, but doesn’t correct the problem. If anyone has any solutions that help, we would like to hear them. I am concerned about bowel incontinence as I get older (74 now).
I to have experienced this. Very disturbing when it happens but I have yet to talk about it for embarrassment. I tell myself it is a one time oddity, but it's been 5-6 this year
With IBD my biggest incontinence concern is bowel incontinence. Uncontrollable diarrhea. It can be a nightmare - and diarrhea is particularly bad because you get sore so easily…
Yes I can relate it happens often, in my case it's due to atrophy of the anal sphincters (internal and external). Requested to have yours looked at by a doctor, the test is simple and painless.
@dalexwitte Have been consistently doing your kegels? What is your core strength like? After the RP and radiation it took me awhile to get back to a lot of activities. The best help came from a physical therapist who specialized in pelvic floor strength and conditioning. She regularly used biofeedback(?) to check pelvic floor, and very targeted exercises. I would also say keep a journal of progress and dr comments as you go along. Good luck.
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