Numbness and tingling


Staff member
Numbness and tingling- today is 4th week post RP surgery, I’m having surface numbness and tingling in my right thigh only on the outer part of the thigh when I sit and lay down, i’ve emailed the doctor and waiting for a response but I wanted to see if anyone else had that sensation after surgery and could it be related to the surgery I had six entry points on my tummy and have one entry point on my right side above my hip just wondering if the sensations and feelings could be tied to the surgery? Thanks
That's very possible, as your surgery sounds much more invasive than mine. I didn't have those symptoms, then.
I have had those symptoms since I got Peripheral Neuropathy. That can go with diabetes (80%), or traumatic injury (20%). If they did an operation on you, surely they did an EKG? How about after the operation?
There are meds to help the symptoms of PN. It's severity can vary, but it can be controlled, to some extent. Don't panic!
Get those doctors to answer you, and follow up.
God Bless.
Ask your doctor about meralgia paresthetica . Nerve compression can cause numbness/tingling on the outside of the thigh. I don’t know if this can be related to RP but won’t hurt to ask.
Thank you, I’m always interested in feedback from the real world, hopefully I hear back soon from the doctor. I will post what they say about this. Thanks again
I just had an appointment with my doctor, and I told him I had numbness around one of my incisions, and he said not to worry, that it will go away with time, I'm almost 2 yes post surgery,
I've been told and read (both from reliable sources - as in: not FaceBook, not Google), that nerves that grow back do so rather slowly. My knees did recover, some, from Total Knee Replacement.
On the other hand, I've been told that "sometimes", the nerve they remove with a prostatectomy (that controls/enables erection), does grow back. I've never heard of someone that happened to, never seen it in the literature. Possibly, someone consulted a Guru on top of a mountain in India or Tibet, or a monk in a monastery in the wilds of Europe or Urasia. There is a nerve-sparing operation. The Doctor told me even that didn't always work.
On the third hand, nerve cords have been stitched or glued back together or whatever and eventually the body and mind get together to use/re-route them.
Your nerve(s) were cut or traumatized, sounds like, so you have a much better chance. Much. I think we'd all like you to report a success story!
I can tell you from personal experience that your damaged nerves are going to play tricks on you as they rejuvenate themselves. I think the key is to not waste energy worrying about it. Not a doctor, but I would think that sensations that don't require pain killers are probably a good thing.
Once again thank you all for the insight and sharing your thoughts, I can say this: your feed back gives me a different way of looking at what I’m feeling instead of looking at it as a negative thing I never thought about the possibility that my nerves are healing! Optimism Is something I’m missing since my cancer surgery. I thank you all for words of support and encouragement.
You are absolutely welcome. You are now a member of a team that is fighting the same monster together. When you improve, and feel better both physically and mentally, you will be there for the others that are coming into this new life adventure as apprehensive about it as you are now. (remember to think like the coyote, Adapt! Survive! Proliferate! (that last one is going to be tough without seminal fluid but It might be fun trying!)
Hello all, I hope this finds everyone doing well as can be. Update for my numbness and tingling in my right thigh,I saw my PCP doctor and she agreed that my surface numbness in my right thigh is more than likely related to my surgery as I have a Incision just above my right hip (coincidence)? We both agree that it’s probably nerves waking up healing etc. but shouldn’t be permanent, but could take days weeks or months etc. to go away, I’m taking Gabapentin to help me sleep and it seems to be working and the tingling sensation and burning seems to be subsiding slowly but surely it’s not as intense, The funny thing is when I talk to the surgeon he was on both sides of the scale, he was adamant that it had nothing to do with the surgery and at the same time said maybe it’s nerves waking up? Anyway I just wanted to share and hope this is not permanent. Stay safe take care☮️
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