Not my week.


Staff member
One day I hope to say something positive here but this was not my week. I couldn’t complete my MRI due to claustrophobia(kudos to all you who can do it), meaning the test all the Doctors want to see to help with my diagnosis is incomplete. That night I had a relapse of my vertigo (Doctors last year said it was BPPV). I made it through work yesterday but have been on my back all day today to manage the dizziness. Unfortunately that means I missed my urologist follow up to go over my tests. And just to pile on the hose that my body has become seems to slowly increase the flow every week. I’ll say that I am appreciative of everyone of you on here. I feel you never judge, always offer support and many of you have found a way forward so thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me make it one more day.
Hope tomorrow's a better day, Ruprertino.

I admire the fact that you're still working with all of this going on.
Hello bad week. So here is the story from bad months. Spent day in ER, 2nd time in two days,Had camera put up my bladder to figure out why I get constant UTI’s found nothing 6 hrs latter on the floor in pain the ER dr. said must be spasm-NOT. Morphine shots then just sent home. Last night pain scale 10, CT shows 6mm stone plugging left kidney to bladder. Now I have my 6th UTI and must wait a month to see if it passes if not another procedure. I am totally incontinent and they want me to screen all urine how is that possible? Hope this can cheer up someone as I am near the bottom, am now seeing shrink. Too sum it all up LIFE SUCKS
Ive noticed sometimes all you can do is ride out a rough wave. We are all sending you smoother day wishes.
Di they have open MRIs where you live? That’s what I did successfully with some Xanax prescribed by my MD because I am extremely claustrophobic.
Not sure PBK, I currently have the scans scheduled on a wide bore with IV sedation, I’m hoping that will do the trick.
I cannot remember who said this, but it seems appropriate here: "When you're going through Hell, keep going."
Rupertino,, so sorry you have all those problems this week, hoping next week your results come back better,Life is tough at times and sometimes but we just have to ride the wave till it gets straight3ned out.Good luck and keep us informed.
I had a bunch of insignificant but necessary tasks to do. I wanted to ignore all. Stinky dog wash , hair needs color, 2 loads of laundry etc. My mundane complex work thingy.

I remembered when i get depressed i need to
Prioritize in perspective of what is important first

Break that down to a list
Break first thing into steps.
Take a step...
Im writing to you about 40 minutes later with a clean dog wet hair and one on wash , one in dryer..
I need to give our dog a bath and trim his nails. Wonder if wd40 will take off super glue? It does good for all of other things.
Bet dog is happy now. You sure are right about making a list. And just do one at a time rather than worry about everything all at once. That can get too overwhelming.
Baby steps can get us through some tough stuff if you just focus on the one thing at a time.😊
Just a quick note of encouragement to all. Sorry to hear about the trouble, discomfort, and stress that some of you are going through. Can change what is going on, but can offer my support and to let you know we are here for you and hoping for all to pass.
Hi JayTee,
Amen to that. You are too kind.
Like my favorite verse in the Bible.
Jeremiah 29:11 do not be discouraged for I know the plans I have made for you, to give you Hope and a Future...
Hope I was pretty close, that’s from memory.
So be encouraged. There is hope with all this we deal with.
We can reach out to each other here or to our doctor, nurse, significant other. And there are some great products out now and that is a huge plus.
So today, get dressed find something to put on so you don’t have an accident untuck your shirt/ blouse and go have some fun for the day. Say to yourself...not messing up my day today. Relax a little and enjoy yourself if even just for a couple hours.
Have a better day! Do something you enjoy and take your mind off of all the negative stuff and get back to enjoying life just for a little bit
The thing I like about bad weeks is that they make all the mediocre weeks look like good weeks.

Last cpl of weeks have been pretty rough.

The last few days have only been a little rough and it feels like a vacation. :(|)
I feel supported by all of you, whatever kind of week you are having or I'm having. Thank you for being part of this and helping me to pull myself up. May everyone have hope that tomorrow will be a better day.
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