No Progress in 2 years


Staff member
I had a prostatecomy in 2016 with great success. Unfortunately I had to switch urologists and the new one insisted I do radiation and hormone therapy. I'm not sure that was a good idea but I agreed to it. All was fine for two yuears, regarding incontinence, then all changed. My bladder started bleeding and I was in the ER about every three days for blockage and catheter insertion. The catheter thing lasted for weeks, on and off, until the urologist did a procedure to cauterize the blood vessels in the bladder. After all the catheters and the bladder procedure I have been incontinent, mostly when upright, walking, golfing, etc. I don't have a lot of leakage when sitting and minimal at night. I am still going thru a minimum of 4 pads, up to 6 or 7 if golfing, per day. I have tried doing kegel exercises religiously for weeks until I get so sore I quit. I never noticed any change when doing the kegels. I am seeking information, input, advice regarding this situation. I'm starting to think that this is just the way it is going to be, and if so, I can live with it. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this and if the incontinence ever improved over time. Thanks for any feedback or info.
I feel for you my husband is seriously considering the sling or the other more invasive but better surgery. I am waiting to hear from others who have done the surgery
I think you should consider having an artificial urinary sphincter inserted. I have researched it, and you can watch the surgical procedure on YouTube. I am scheduled to have that procedure in May. I will be a year out from radical robotic prostate removal, and also have being very religious about doing the keegles, but no help. Take a look and see what you think
The AUS surgery is not complicated or painful, only requires an overnight hospital stay My surgeon says it's a easy operation
But he does a lot of them at Sloan Kettering
After 6 weeks of light duty I only use half a woman's light
Pad for a few drips after a sneeze or heavy lifting
No its not perfect
Certainly beats being ina wet pad all day.
I had zero luck with condoms. Clamps worked as a last resort
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