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Just had my surgery May 3 have been a week and one day without catheter. I have an uncontrollable drip when I walk. It only stops when I sit or lie down. So I have to walk for exercise, I have to drink to build a stronger bladder. I do my keagals 3 sets 3 times a day, but I seem unable to build up a strong bladder because I can’t retain any urine. Should I call my dr? I have no Instructions but to do my pelvic exercises. I am 67, had robotic prostate surgery, grade 2 contained to my prostate. Had nerve sparing on right side only. This is my worse nightmare
Jokor - welcome to the club or more precisely our forum.

For your peace of mind, you are exactly where you should be at this point in your recovery. I know it is slower than any of us want, even when we are diligent on our exercises and following the recovery protocol directed by your doctor.

While all of us are different there are some common benchmarks that occur more often than not. The first benchmark is less leaking at night until you are virtually dry in the morning. That doesn't mean you sleep the entire night but the sense of urgency returns and you are able to get to the restroom without incident (assuming the restroom is in close proximity to your bedroom).

The next benchmark is seeing marginal improvement during the morning hours of your bladder and pelvic muscles starting to work together to hold urine in your bladder. Unfortunately at this point the muscles tire as the day progresses and leaking is more prevalent. While discouraging, it is a good sign that your body is recovering and over time the quantity of urine your bladder will retain increases.

I would encourage you to follow this forum. All of us are supporting of each other and all of us are on different paths to recovery or dealing with incontinence. No one is judgmental and I haven't heard a discouraging word from anyone offering advice.

Hang in there. Better days are ahead.
Hi Jokor1...You are very early on in the healing process. You need to develop a strong positive mindset to overcome this set back. I am 10 months post surgery and JUST NOW getting to the point where I'm wearing 1-2 shields a day. My first month was a nightmare also, but guess gets better. You have to look at one-two week intervals, not day to day. At the end of June, you'll feel better....if you choose to look at the glass half full. Hang in there....we've all been there. It's not fun but you'll be a better man when this is over.
Getting a prostate removed is major surgery. Takes months for the body to heal. There’s a ton of information on this site and unfortunately our doctors can’t always provide us everything we need to know, so it’s up to us to do some research. Don’t get discouraged. I’m 62 and had my surgery last august. I consider myself very active. I’m down to one pad a day and some days go without any depending on what I’ll be doing that day. It’s difficult at first with having little control, but it will get better. Hang in there!
Welcome to the group we have many different people here with varying degrees of incontinence and a lot of knowledge I do not have any experience like you are describing but there are others here who have been through similar surgeries so I am sure there others who can offer you knowledge and support
I’m 58 had RP surgery on 4/13/21. Thank understand Jokor1what you are going through. I’m dealing with incontinence issue. I went saw a oncologist cause there minuscule cancer in the seminal vesicles. I’m planning to have 39 IGRT treatment. I need to get the incontinence issue under control. Welcome to suggestions. I do kegels. Thank you.
Thanks everyone. Noticed today if I sit for an hour or so I can hold urine and have a decent stream. Only one time I didn’t keep dripping after the bathroom trip. Seems if I emptied my bladder I wouldn’t drip? Don’t want to sit too much though, not good for recovery.
Hi Jokor. I am sure you know each of us responds snd heals differently. My RP was at end of Jan 2021. I did not expect how much I would drip or how long it would take to improve. For me month one was terrible. 5 or 6 very wet pull ups daily Month two I felt better but leaking almost same. With time and activity and improved Kegels leakage improved in month three and now as I approach end of month four am down to 2 pull ups. One all day and one all night. Some days very very light and some more wet. Do stay active. Do stay hydrated. And it’s ok to be unhappy with your current situation and wishing it would get better quickly. Just keep doing what you can and it is not your fault that this may take months to improve. Lots of accounts on different threads encourage us that it will get better! My doctor gave me this statistic: greatest improvement in post RP surgery incontinence is likely to be between end of month two and month six. Mine is improving. I pray that yours will too!
One year today since my surgery and unfortunately, I am still dealing with some significant incontinence. My doctor has been very helpful with getting me to PT for work on the pelvic floor muscles. I do see some improvement but it is very slow. Discussion of an AUS surgery is a topic for my next appointment in a couple of weeks. Not sure this is the way I want to go but at 68, I am too young to think wearing pads forever is the best option. I am still optimistic and staying positive!
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