new to all this


Staff member
After a turp operation I went on to have bladder neck stenosis and now have to use self catheterisation several times a day to keep my bladder neck working. This is all ok, but I get a lot of bladder irritation from the catheters, This means that I leak after every trip to the toilet and several times a week I get a sudden urge to go and get a sudden surge. Pads are ok for the small leaks, but they can't cope with the surges.

Anyone have any advice?
Make an appointment with your urologist. Diapers (plastic backed) are an easy way to deal with the issue. You may be able to use a pullup type but they can leak, don’t contain smell very good, and you have to take clothing off to change them. The good diaper brands are Abena, Dry 24/7, Betterdry, and if it looks like you might be able to get Tena slip in your country.
Not really any advice here since I am not in your situation, but.... Do what you need to do to help you. As a teen when I unexpectedly started to wet my bed after being dry I used a plastic garbage bag under my sheet to protect the bed and sneaked to wash my sheets and underwear in the morning before school. Not the best solution. So find your best solution and not a stop gap solution.
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