New NAFC survey stinks


Staff member
The latest survey: I tried to take. "clicking" resulted in a circular-useless circle where it takes 2 -3 screens, then it returns you to the same screens to do again. Then had to do Capta. Okay, i sort of understand it, but I hate having to do multiples in a row. Then the survey asked about 4 questions - almost none of which matched the "ad", which would have needed about a minimum of about 20 questions, some if which would have been "essay" types, not just multiple-choice. I was flabergasted when it "finished" when it did.
You have to accept cookies. Really? I've never seen a valid excuse to infest my computer.
There have been some surveys that didn't concern me, not my issue or whatever.
I wanted to take this one, for me & for anyone else, whether we agreed or not. Get my 2-cents worth in. Advance the cause.
Very disappointed.
Some of those Capta screens are out of focus. Some are too long-distance to read all the screen and be sure. Some are ambiguous.
Wish there was a better way to keep out the "robots" and "trolls".
At some point, I started giving up on Capta when it goes to the third screen.
I didn't even get that far.... I got 4 questions.. Do I leak, do I leak after exercise, my birth sex and age. Thank you forcompleteing our survey.
I’ve done at least five surveys for the NAFC and _____ partner company, all of which promised Visa gift cards, and none of which I received.
I tried the survey also. It appeared to me that I did not answer the 1st 2 questions for what they are looking for, it thanked me closed out. The instructions said it would take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. To me it seems they are looking for people who leak when laughing, coughing, exercising etc. I said that I didn't leak in those circumstances (which is true) and it closed out the survey. I was tempted to go back in and answer yes to see if I could go farther but then I felt like that would skew the results I didn't want to do that.
Tim: the other part: surveys often keep track of who takes them (by you web-location), and don't let you do it again.
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