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I am Winnie and a new member. I recently went through physical therapy for pelvic floor weakness. It has helped immensely!
Welcome! Sorry you have a reason to be here, but here's hoping you benefit from the collective years of experience on this forum.
Welcome Winnie. I hope you continue to improve through PT! I assume you’re doing Kegels. Can I ask what sort of exercise routine your PT is recommending? How many per day? It’s always interesting to hear how similar or dissimilar the recommended routines are.
@Winnie Hi Winnie - Welcome. I have found alot of encouragement, wisdom and support through the many wonderful people here. I have learned alot, laughed alot and I am so grateful for all of it. - Even if it we don't like it and it can be so annoyingly frustrating. We all get it. - Pam
Welcome, glad it is helping you , I went to a PT also but it was to intence and time consuming . she had me do excercises four times a day. lots of them and it was too much . I am working with a new uroligist now and he is running a special test the next time i=I go back. good Luck I am a women 73 years old by my password sounds like a man.
Welcome to the party Winnie. Sorry didn't say that earlier but my shop computer died in the heat and I had to replace it. Back now. I too am sorry you have a reason to find this site but thank god these people are here to share, I have gained so much help from them. I am sure you will, too. If nothing more than a place to express whatever you need to get you moving in the direction that is right for you. Again, welcome.
@wyr13 Yeah for sure. We live in the high desert, and the swamp cooler does help, but man alive it is HOT. wyr13, sorry about your computer. I hope that it served you well, before suffering heat stroke. - Pam
@Pammy53 It did NOT serve well, bought it in January 23 (cheap remanufacture from Dell on Amazon) and it died July 23. So I bought a better cheap reman from Dell (Hey, it's a shop computer, dusty, hot and can't keep the bugs out of it :)) I feel for you. It is hot here in the BIG VALLEY of California also. Probably not the high 600's :) like where your at but the low 100's none the less. I just keep the AC running. It doesn't help out in the shop though, I just have a big fan blowing around hot air.
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