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Staff member
Hi there,

I am a 39 year old male with a lifetime of bedwetting related issues. I have pretty much been wet at least four nights a week for as long as I can remember and am comfortable with wearing a diaper to bed every night.

Over the past year, I have experienced an increasing number of sudden episodes of urge incontinence, where I void a high volume at once (1000ml+), with little or no notice. This seems to occurs most often if I am sick, tired or subjected to high levels of stress and I will begin to wet without being aware. Alcohol is also a huge factor...even just a couple of glasses of wine. I have been fairly lucky so far (as far as public accidents go), but have begun wearing protection even while I am awake. I have been seeing a urologist, however the medications we have tried don't seem to sit well with me, so we have discontinued that approach in favour of bladder training/conditioning.


I can totally empathize, Steve. I was a chronic bedwetter as a kid, not "getting to dry" until I was a Senior in High School and scared to death that any of my friends would discover that I was still in diapers at that age. Then it passed and I put the diapers away and tried to just forget about it. Until now.

I have recently been diagnosed with high risk prostate cancer and will be undergoing Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery and Lymph Node Dissection at the end of this month. I met with the surgeon last Thursday and he gave me a heads up that it was doubtful, given the extent of my tumor, that he would be able to perform nerve sparing surgery, at least on one side and possibly on both sides. The surgery will leave me incontinent, possibly for a year or so, but possibly for life. The risk will be higher if he cannot do nerve sparing surgery on both sides. But considering the alternative - death - I will just have to live with something I thought was long in my past.

So, we have something in common, although my enuresis stopped on its' own for years and I was able to get out of diapers. Now it is back, or will be soon, and it has made me think a lot about it. Here's what I know, something that I wish I had known as a kid: It is NOT my fault now and it was NOT my fault back then and so I refuse to allow it to shame me as it once did. Is your wetting your fault? I doubt it. Whatever the cause, it need not be shameful for you any more than it will be for me.

Stay strong. Hope this helps.
The human bladder only holds about 300 to 500 ml under normal conditions. If your bladder ever held 1000ml, it could signal an extreme neurogenic bladder that's not draining or a severe urethral blockage. Such high pressures could cause serious kidney damage. If the amounts you're estimating are accurate, you need to see a urologist immediately!
I second what Mike said. I'm an RN. I've done bladder scans and never seen a patient whose bladder was holding that much urine unless something was seriously wrong. Please make sure your doctor knows you're voiding that much (if he doesn't know already)!
I've been seeing a urogynecologist and have had success with Botox injections. I'm surprised that I don't see other posts with people's experiences with this treatment method. Am I the only one out there who has had success with Botox injections?

I can't speak to day issues, but have dealt with bedwetting since my teen years. Just a thought of support and letting you know you are not alone in being an adult that wets the bed.

Steve, I totally can relate to large volume accidents. Having worked for years as an RN/paramedic, you learn how to ignore the need for bathroom breaks. Over the years I developed a liter+ bladder capacity myself. After a bout of pneumonia with sepsis and multi system organ dysfunction I developed hypoxic encephlopathy leading to a neurogenic bladder. I no longer feel the sensation of needing to urinate. I am unable to urinate without the sensation so attempting to go every few hours isn't really an option. so as a result I would only urinate 2-3 times a day, and usually in my pants. I would just get so full, my bladder would go into an overwhelming and uncontrollable spasm and completely empty. All I could do is wait for the inevitable saturating accident. I would have to wear super soaker diapers with 3-4 booster pads to keep my clothes dry. After years of holding 12-16 hours at a time, I never had good bathroom habits so when the accidents first started, the usual 2-3 time a day voiding were my usual routine anyway. I finally started having to cath myself every 6-8 hours to be able to stay dry and not have to wear diapers. Finally, a miracle. I got the Interstim and after a year of trial and error programming I finally have regained control and sensation (although with my capacity, I still only have 2-3 bathroom trips a day). My capacity is huge. I have only had two pants wetting accidents in the last year since I got the programming right and I am pretty sure those were intentional since the pain of holding just got to be too much and there was no bathroom available. Hang in there, there is hope!
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