New here and occasional wetting at night


Staff member
Haven’t had problem until a few months ago. Then week later one nite. Now months later again after getting up twice , wake up wet. I don’t know where to start. Steve
Welcome Steve99. Probably best bet is to talk with your doctor just so you can rule out any other major medical possible causes.

Put on a mattress protector and if you think it maybe ongoing possibly consider buying some protective products. I know that might be extra scary to you but you will find it much easier to cleanup from and maybe stress releasing. Just an idea. ;)

I wish you all the best. And hopefully you find nothing is majorly wrong and it’s just a one off.
Hi Steve,
Welcome! Check with you doctor 1st to rule out a uti or other issue. Walmart and most of the other stores carry Depends. Underwear. They can help allot. If your output is more than they can handle try Northshore on the web. They make some great products, far better than most stores carry and have a wonderful staff. Or you can just order online. They have a betterdry taped brief that works great for me.
Good luck and let us know how you make out.

Kind regards,
If you were a childhood bed wetter seems to me there is a good chance of bed wetting returning as we get older. I know it is the case for me. Youthful bed wetting has many different causes. Some of these tendencies are carried through life.Such as a small bladder.
You should see a doctor to rule out something serious such as UTI or prostate issues.
@Steve99 Welcome!, A doctor should definitely check first for any signs of infection or any underlying factor.
You have come to the right place, here you will find lots of support,good advice and good people that understand what you are going through. I myself started bedwetting immediately due to having L4, L5 disc extrusions from a work spinal injury and lost a good part of my bladder control many years ago. You are not alone, in this forum you can ask questions, share ideas or just vent.
I do have prostrate cancer but small and had biopsies x3 in last 2 years. Watching but thought incontenance was because of surgery.

Fellow occasional bedwetter here too. I bedwet probably once or twice a month more or less. As others have said make sure your doctor knows about this so they can be thinking of how to help you. Also if not already a waterproof mattress cover on the bed is a good idea. They are way better then the white plastic sheets of days gone by. The one I use feels just like a regular mattress cover, soft and comfortable to sleep on. I don't get hot or feel like I am sleeping on waterproof material.

I hope it works out for you and that this was only a small short term issue that goes away for you.

adult onset bedwetting needs to be evaluated by a doctor. Sometimes it's due to an underlying medical issue, sometimes it's stress related/psychological. Mine started as a once every few months thing and then spiraled out of control very suddenly and quickly and it became a day time issue as well. I now have essentially no bladder control.

If it's only once a month or so, wearing a diaper to bed every night may be overkill, but could provide peace of mind. Otherwise I'd strongly suggest getting some good absorbent underpads to save your mattress.

But regardless of how you want to manage it in the short term, it really is something you should talk to the doctor about.
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