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Hello everyone! I'm glad I found this site. Seems like everyone is very helpful.

I'm 59 and had my robotic prostatectomy (still have to look up how to spell that!) on July 17th. Fortunately all margins were negative. Just over 3 weeks out and it doesn't seem like the incontinence is improving. Sleeping is fine with little to no leakage but walking around or working in my shop the urine just flows. Frustrating for sure but from everything I've read this will take some time. I sure hope it gets better.

I'm scheduled for a doctor visit in 10 days to discuss my condition. I've been doing Kegel exercises for about two weeks and don't notice anything yet.
Be patient! I'm 6 months in and ok most of the time but still have no control when walking around bending etc. I am improving but it can be very slow. Be patient and do the exercises. Best wishes Russ
Hi Mr Peabody, welcome to the site. It is early days yet as you say. Keep up the kegel exercises and things will improve, or at least they have for me. I so remember how things were at the stage you're at, despondent to say the least, but after a several weeks things improved tremendously. I'm 67 and am just over 5 months out from my surgery, and I only get occasional dribbles now, and the thinnest of a liner/pad last all day. Hang in there, things should improve by this time next month, and just hang on to that thought ;o)
Dear Peabody: I had my surgery RP on 7/6/20 and did not notice any improvement until 30 days out. Now it is getting better but very slow. I do at least 5 sets of Kegel's daily. I have been told the same as you that it will take time. I can't rope is about 3 hours in a depend before it need to fine a bathroom to change. I should have purchased stock in that company. Keep on Keepin on! Regards, Rayl in Arizona.
Hi @peabody ,

While I don't have any advise on your specific situation I wanted to pass on a welcome to the group. A lot of knowledgeable people here as you have already seen by the replies. Good group always willing to help out and offer advice in a nonjudgmental way.

Hope you start seeing improvements but as others have said it may take some time.

Hi @Peabody, welcome aboard! Although I also don't have any advice on your particular situation, I also want to welcome you to the group and please know that everyone here is sincere and definitely non-judgmental. If you get frustrated because you're not recovering fast enough and want to vent, that's cool too. :cool: We are all in the same boat together on this incontinence thing and you'll quickly discover that you are not alone! And that in itself is worth the price of admission! :D
I can tell you this, however, Even though your surgery was robotic and doesn't have the side effects of regular surgery, it is still surgery and surgery, no matter how advanced, is an invasion of your body. No two ways about it! It is an invasive procedure. And having had that, it takes time to heal from that. I've had surgeries and realize that by doing what the doctor says and taking care of yourself, things will eventually get normal again, or maybe depending on the surgery, a "new normal." Do keep doing the kegels. If you keep after it, it will gradually improve. And my rule of thumb for those recovering from surgery or any illness, is to do a bit more each day than you did the day before. Don't just take one more step, take two!
Hi @peabody!! Welcome to our group! I'm still kinda a newbie here but there are so much knowledge people here and sometimes we figure things out together so you have nothing to fear! I hope the doctor visit works out well.
@peabody Welcome to our forum! I think you’ll feel safe here, and you’ll find lots of very helpful advice and support, as well as genuine compassion. We look forward to your participation.

You may find these links helpful, to some links to previous topics/posts by people in your situation:

I was the same as you. Took me almost 8.weeks before noticeable improvement. Pelvic floor physical therapist helps.and did a lot of walking even though I leaked while walking.It's easy to get depressed but be patient to be which is easier said than done.
I think when I see the doctor next week, I will ask about a therapist. From what I've read most patients seem to really like them and get good results.

I have also been reading posts about food items that irritate the bladder. I've cut back on most items but can't give up my morning coffee!

Thanks to all that have posted here. Good advice and very supportive.
well it's our pleasure to help, @Peabody! It's great you plan to ask your doc about seeing a therapist. That shows you are taking charge of your health and of your recovery. Paying attention to what you eat at this time is also a good idea. As things get back on a more even keel for you it's a good idea to steer clear of bladder irritants. Tomatoes are one. I'd have a hard time with that since I eat a lot of tomatoes in salads and on sandwiches, etc. I can understand how you feel about coffee. Over the past couple of years I've just gotten to the point where I don't demand a cup of coffee anymore. If someone wants to give me one, fine, I'll take it! Now I drink decaffeinated tea. Don't know if that's a bladder irritant or not, but if it's on the safe list you might want to try it and just pretend it's coffee!!!:D:D oh, keep doing your kegels. From what I've read here you won't see results overnight but it's something you just got to keep up with. Don't get discouraged but changes are taking place and one day you'll see it pays dividends! hmmmph! I just said that in my post up above! But I guess it bears repeating!
I had a good "tele-visit" with my doctor yesterday. I told him of my concerns that my incontinence does not seem to be getting better. He said that I appear to be on track for a good recovery. He asked if I was "hitting" the Kegel muscle exercises correctly and I said I think so. He offered to set up a physical therapist to work with me and I jumped at that. Hopefully do that next week. I have zero idea what to expect in that session!

I'm now 5 weeks out from surgery, 4 weeks after catheter removal, and 3 weeks of Kegel exercises. I may be noticing small hints of improvement but am not sure. Inconsistent.
Hi @Peabody, sounds like you're still on the right track and it's great you dr. offered to send you to a physical therapist. And you jumped right on that! Even better! If you're seeing small hints of improvement that is good too! And recovery is inconsistent, no matter what you're recovering from. You'll have good days and not-so-good days. But you'll see the good will outweigh the bad. Please keep us posted!
@peabody I’m a female and I had a female PT. Through breathing awareness, she helped me learn to isolate the pelvic muscle that wraps from the back to the front of the groin, and which helps stabilize and strengthen our core, separately from our abs. She put her hands on the front of my hips, once. Nothing sexual about it, even though the pelvic muscle is very much used during sex (particularly for women).

I’ve done PT for a variety of injuries over the years. I’ve never had a PT act inappropriately or sexually in any manner.

It doesn’t take many sessions - maybe 2-3 - with a PT to fully comprehend how to correctly do Kegel exercises. It’s one of the easier forms of PT I’ve ever done, because it doesn’t hurt!
Thanks for the encouragement!

Snow, I wasn't concerned about any weird stuff going on just that I have no idea how this type of PT works. I believe I'm doing the exercises correctly but maybe not.

The lady is supposed to be excellent so I am looking forward to it! I will post my experience next week.
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