Neurogenic bladder of any type - does everything sometimes work correctly?


Staff member
Greetings all -
I'm still waiting to see the only specialist near me that really deals with neurogenic bladder, Keeping notes for the visit but the last few days have been weird.

All of a sudden my UAB seems much better. I am going like a race horse. Getting large volumes and quickly. Just like it should be if everything was correct. No more waiting around for tiny amounts. Conversely my incontinence is much worse. Seems more like stress than overflow now.

It's like all of a sudden whatever was keeping me from emptying and causing my retention has decided to work, relax or whatever. Maybe relaxed too much when you consider the constant leaks.

I should also note that in general my dysautonomia symptoms are really mild right now so maybe my autonomic nerves are just behaving.

Ultrasound tomorrow so maybe that will show something. Spine doctor in late December. We'll see.

Thanks to all for the help and comments.
I have Neurogenic Bladder, and yes, my symptoms wax and wane. Perhaps you can keep a journal of what you eat and if you exercise, etc., while also measuring your urine output (your doctor can give you a plastic device for that). I suspected, but definitely proved to myself and my doctor that when I drink plain water, my symptoms are so much worse, like five times worse. But food and sugar intake don’t bother me. Coffee, tea, and alcohol exacerbate my condition, but soda helps it.

Good luck at your appointment!
@snow Thanks for the reply. I thought it might be that way. I guess this will be no different than any of my other nerve issues that come and go with better and worse days. Just need to be prepared for whatever happens.

My issues with part of this is that my dysautonomia and POTS require me to drink lots of water and electrolytes. At 3.5 liters a day to carry all the salt I need to consume. It helps with nerves but what goes in has to come out. Can't say for sugar as I am doing low-carb to control glucose. Being a skinny diabetic sucks. bad genes.

Hopefully the new doc can really provide some info as I don't fully trust the urologist I am seeing now. To fast with "here's your catheters, have a nice day".
Like Snow I have a neurogenic bladder. The say mine is an under active bladder but I don’t know. I have overflow incontinence and it seems like I pee a lot. I can’t feel myself needing to go. Mine comes and goes too. My Urologist says that with a neurogenic bladder your body can do some different things at different times. It’s hard to determine what happens, I just know I wet myself all the time. My doctors want me to catheter more but I just can’t stand it. I hope you can figure out what works for you. My problems stem from 5 back surgeries. I wish you the best. Remember, no matter what, life is great and worthwhile regardless what you are dealt with.
Chris318 said:
life is great and worthwhile regardless what you are dealt with.

This is totally true. Like many on here I just seem to have a lot of issues. Been that way most of my life and not all of them are easy to deal with. Honestly I just laugh at some things my body does at certain times. I've learned that unless some issue could cause problems or harm to me it is simply an inconvenience. Like the tremors in my hands some days - "oh well, no detail work today". Getting upset about these things will only bring you down.

My tests showed underactive but also signs of overactive if that can even happen. Not sure how the catheter things is going to be, starting that next week. We'll see. No back surgeries for me yet but it could be a thing in the future.

Wishing you the best and thanks for the comments. Helps to find others who understand since the docs are not exactly full of information.
I have nerve damage from fournier's gangrene and the surgery for it.
most of the time i don't feel any need to go but i am wetting my diaper.
the times i do feel the need to go it's because i have a UTI.
Same. I can have calm days and active days.

I seem to have to pee about 5 times to my wife’s one time. Just an observation.
Classic OAB. This is more or less due to my BPH, prostate symptoms.

I do have nerve damage from a back injury that happened back in the 80’s.
My doctor never used the term neurogenic bladder, but is aware of my injuries and symptoms. He just acknowledged the nerve damage and worded it differently. Explained how the nerves are sending signals to my muscles and bladder.

I would say that I have control of a full void most times, but at times I experience urge incontinence. And it comes on fast.
It’s fairly strong where there is no holding it back. I just start peeing.
I can be working, driving or sitting and not feel an urge to pee, but when I stand up, I can start to feel the urge or sometimes the dam just opens up and out comes the gush.

At night when I’m sleeping is a bit different. I might not feel the urge. At bedtime, a diaper is a must. I can pee in my sleep and not know it.
Then other time I awaken in a state of semi sleep. I may have already started voiding, or just let it go for the sake of the urge and need for comfort and sleep. Also not wanting to disturb wife and dogs by getting up every time.
Sometimes I can wake up dry (rarely) or, it might be normal wet. Other times it seems like my diaper is holding a gallon.
I never know.

Don’t know if some foods make me pee more or less. I Like spicy and hot peppers foods.
I love my coffee in the morning, sometimes a soda, iced tea or beer during the day. An herbed tea and water in evening.
Caffeine, carbonation, alcohol, water intake, it’s all going to make me go, but oh well. I’ll never stop enjoying the good things in life.
I do notice that my bladder is very active throughout the morning.
I Just acknowledge that I need protection and wear a prepare.
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