Need to rant.


Staff member
Before the pandemic I couldn’t afford food. I was constantly borrowing money. I’m on disability. One would think “hmmmm. You don’t get much on disability. You should get food stamps!” I did. $35 a month. $35. I was expected to live off that. During the pandemic they gave everyone the maximum amount. I was getting about $260. This ended the money borrowing. I could LIVE. Yea I could rarely eat out or buy things. But I mananged. I have to buy my diapers every month. My Medicaid pays for part of it but I still have to pay close to $100 for diapers and wipes. The pandemic ebt is ending in October. I’m back to getting $35 in food stamps. I hate this. I’m doing my budget trying to figure out how to cut costs. I’m there is a store called save a lot that I can take a metro access van to ($8 round trip) and it’s super cheap but super unhealthy. I guess I’ll be doing that and hope my health doesn’t go anymore in the crapper.
HI EJ, I just read this and I wonder if you could be eligible to go to a food pantry. There must be some in DC. The county where I live in Florida has a pantry called Lake Cares Food Pantry. So if a county in Florida can have a food pantry then DC definitely should have quite a few of them. They can help supply you with basic food needs which would include food that is general good for you and is not just junk food. So please try to find out about food pantries. I would be surprised if you didn't qualify (at least income-wise).
I know about Save-A-Lot. (or is it spelled Sav-A-Lot?) We have one locally. Another possibility may be Aldi markets which operates on somewhat the same lines as Save-A-Lot as far as cheap foods go.
Right now our food pantries are so in need it’s hard to get food. Also I’m a vegan and have been since I was 18 and it’s hard to find vegan food there. I’m afraid if I went back to vegetarian (I refuse to eat meat) it would screw up my gi system
We have a great food pantry in Lee and Collier county in Fl. In fact I think there are several in the area. This one is by the churches. Great place to get food and a great place where the people donate to help buy stuff.
I understand, EJ. Luckily we have a great food pantry here. They manage to have pretty healthy food, brown rice and beans and stuff. But I’m not trying to eat vegan or vegetarian. I generally don’t eat beef or pork, but I’ve been known to even accept that.

I was thinking about minimum wage and how people are supporting a reasonable minimum wagefoer all. I’m all for it. Everyone should have enough income to live. Then I looked at my SSDI income. Assuming 40 hours a week, my disability works out to less than $6 an hour! Granted, I’m not working, but shouldn’t all people have a minimum reasonable income? And my SSDI is enough to barely qualify me for Medicaid.

I have been living high on the hog since the food stamp program has been sending extra each month! One thing that saves me is that I have an aide who cooks for me. Once a week, she makes a very large pot of really healthy soup and I eat that most of the week, supplementing with fruit, yogurt, sandwiches, salads, etc. And my blessed twin sister, who moved away to live nearer her kids, keeps sending me gift cards that let me order out now and again.

EJ, you must be RICH if you’re only entitled to $35 in food stamps! Have you provided receipts for your incontinence supples to food stamps? Medical expenses should offset income to make you eligible for more. In NYS every bit of OTC counts. Just because Medicaid only pays so much doesn’t negate the extra it costs you. Good luck and hang in there!
We have the Food Bank where I live in Alaska, and they even grow their own veggies in a high tunnel. Not in winter (Duh).
Certain big stores, and 1 or 2 small ones, donate, even if it's food near its expiration date. However, I think you are handed a box of food; maybe get no voice in what is in it.
There are several other food banks that don't get as much publicity - usually run by churches. You don't have to be a member for some. The big Food Bank got some Covid money from the Feds, though the state gov't. We were surprised, since we have one of those governors who doesn't believe in socialism. That money is running out. The big food bannk serves food, but it in an awkward place to get to. The local gov't stopped supporting one of the "senior ride share" & one general transportation van.
They can't hold the annual fund-raises due Covid.
I suspect you aren't a senior, so you can't go to the really cheap senior centers.
I read the "dollar stores" have doubled and tripled their bussiness, but are they mostly in southern states"?
Anyone else have ideas?
@LeeC - I wish I was rich!!!! With my ssdi I’m still waaaaaaay below the poverty level. I don’t even have an aide anymore. They stopped calling me and I was tired of their crap. I’m having an inspection on my apartment on Friday and I couldn’t clean on my own so a friend sent over the person who cleans her house ans cleaned my place. It was truly a blessing.

@AlasSouth there is no dollar store near me but I may be able to take a metro access to one.
EJ, that was VERY tongue in cheek! I was irritated by the pandemic extra stamps because they upped everyone to the maximum in food stamps. That meant that my roommate, who normally got about $50 in food stamps, got an extra $150. I usually got $115 in food stamps so I got an extra $95. So he had more income and NEEDED fewer food stamps so he got a huge boost. I needed more in food stamps than he did, so I got a smaller boost. In what universe does that make sense? Since then, he moved out. Then, he killed himself, probably returning lots of unused food stamps to the government.

Bless the friend who sent her cleaner to your place!
I am sorry for anyone going through this, but especially you @justej. I hate how the system seems to be rigged to make people fail if they aren't criminals anymore, its disgusting to a degree. My belief is that people who try to stay on the good side of the law should be rewarded. I hope your situation changes, and I would see if there is a way you could get more assistance if possible, but I believe you've probably looked into that already.
HI EJ. You have a wonderful friend who sent you her cleaning person to help you! Friends like that are definitely to be cherished!!! A truly unselfish person! I hope the inspection goes well!
@Koigal, I've always wondered why people who stay on the right side of the law aren't treated any better than they are!! The laws assure all of these "rights" for criminals but does zip for us regular people who want to be good citizens and neighbors. I agree that the system is rigged to make things very difficult for the average Joe and Jane who just want to do their part and try to earn what they deserve and just simply live comfortably, although not luxuriously. It just isn't right!!!
Our church has a pantry that I think most churches of any size would have. My wife used to be a volunteer. They help anyone who calls (no membership requirements). She would ask if the caller had any special dietary needs, and select items accordingly. They also refer people to other sources of help.

(Members are eligible for help with rent and utilities.)

So, start calling local churches.
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