National Awkward Moments Day..


Staff member
We have all been there. I have a closet full of awkward moments over the year but a recent one comes to mind. Leaving this page open on my side tab while my sister is helping me stay on track taking test for college. It is not like she does not know about all of this, she bought stuff for me and even brought my bag of stuff to the hospital. Still awkward when she sees my screen name and the number of posts I have made.

So what is you awkward moments.. Not embarrassing but just awkward
One of my more recent ones was at a colonoscopy. I told the nurse when I got there I was wearing a diaper as she told me to strip naked, put on the gown and lay on the bed. She said that is fine just leave it on and they will have you remove it right before you go in.
I get pre procedure tests done, EKG, blood etc. all of a sudden the wheel me in the room.
As the Dr, anesthesiologist And others are intruding themselves. This female nurse walks in and stands right behind me next to my behind and the tube that is going in me.

She asks don’t you wron at ?? I look at her and say yes I do. She smiles and says “I am ****, Miley’s wife, you were at our wedding”.
Fortunately I was knocked out before she lowered the sheet and I taped my diaper for the procedure.
I'm not sure if mine is awkward or embarrassing or both. I recently went to have a mole checked by a skin specialist. The mole is on my forehead, so the specialist took me totally by surprise when he said he ought to check the rest of me including the bits the sun doesn't reach. I had been in the waiting room for ages and so I had a very wet nappy. He obviously noticed, but very professionally asked if I needed a few minutes to get ready. There was then an awkward silence for a short while with him on the other side of the curtain while I untaped the nappy, this made quite a noise in the silent room and we both started laughing. If he wasn't so good about it, I think it could have been difficult. I'm sure that even skin specialists have seen it all before, but it certainly caught me by surprise. He even checked the soles of my feet. Anyway, he pointed out a few spots to keep an eye on, but didn't find any cancers.phil
Oh I’ve had so many. Probably the worst was when I was married. My step daughter didn’t know about my bladder problems. Back then they were only during the night. Well, I woke up early morning on my sofa, completely uncovered wearing just a diaper. As I walked as quiet as I could back up stairs I hear my step daughter asking my wife “Why is he wearing a diaper”. That is the moment I wish I could have crawled under a rock and stayed there for he rest of my life. After that things were basically normal. Jokes were made on king car trips and stuff like that.
Being busted by my wife shopping Amazon for supplies. That's how she found out. She has some minor issues herself so she's been pretty cool about it.
The most embarrassing time came when only had night time accidents and was getting gas in the car little cold then felt something wrong looked down and front of my pants was sopping wet.That required a quick trip home.
@sport @Squander

Sorry about your wet accidents. Those must have been awful.

So my awkward moment was wearing an adult pull-ups the first time through TSA when flying. I had posted here about a very early and long flight I was going on and several of you had posted words of encouragement and tips. Based off of the tips I decided to wear my pull-ups through TSA since I knew it would be dry. Some had said a wet pull-ups would most likely result in extra screening, as a bedwetter only I knew keeping it dry would not be an issue.

So I work loose pants and some boxer briefs over my adult pull-ups and like everyone said TSA was a breeze, no issues at all. But I felt awkward the whole time in line, getting scanned and getting my shoes and backpack.
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