@NAFC. Something is up with the forum.


Staff member
A few posts are edited and shortened that I posted as well as I see others posts that are shortened or missing things that were posted.

Look into this, please.


You can look up the administration in the header and inquire with them directly or message them via a topic via the NAFC generated topics like "what do members want to see from NAFC" via the Forum Home selection

I did send a message about it. It looks like some of my and others' posts were edited last night by someone else. Not happy about that.
@NAFC Hello? Does anybody work there? You’ve totally ignored this topic which is very unprofessional. I recently wrote out a really long post detailing all of the steps of a Botox procedure, ans requested by another member, and now almost all of that post is missing and has been erased. I don’t feel safe being a part of this forum if we’re being hacked. I don’t want to invest time writing posts if they’re just going to be halfway removed after I post them. Can’t you hire a tech guide to fix this website for you? It could be as simple as changing your company password for your web server so the hacker cannot continue to do this.

@ThatFLGuy Thanks for starting this topic; this is beyond obnoxious and inappropriate. They should shut down the whole website until they get it fixed. There’s clearly hacking or a worm going on.

I sent a private message to the @NAFC about this and got no reply... So take that for what it is.

Over two-thirds of one of my posts is gone from my (The State of Incontinence products in 2024) post and it was edited so only the center of what I posted is still there on my last post which is a reply.

And yea. I know enough about websites to know that does not happen unless someone or something did it.
@snow - Hi snow. I flagged the email that contained your very long detailed, and much appreciated response to my Botox question. Then I archived it for future reference. - I just checked my Archive folder, and I can't find it! I wanted to keep that! - Pam
@snow - Update. Here is what I have from your entire response.
1. Check in at the front desk of your urologist...
That is all that I have!
@snow @Pammy53

NAFC messaged me. Big glitch out during an update. No hack was found so, That is good. They are still looking into how, what happened did, but the big thing is that they are trying to find out what was going on.
@ThatFLGuy - Thanks for the update. - Did they say anything about getting the the information back on the "deleted" posts? - Pam
I’m not riding anymore significant posts until they know what caused this and can fix it. I think there’s somebody deliberately attacking my posts. I bet it’s the guy they had to kick off who was threatening me.
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