

Staff member
I've been taking Myrbetrig for less than a month with no positive results. The Myrbetrig websites says it may take a few months for this medication to take effect. Has anyone tried Myrbetrig? If so, what were the results?

Thanks for your response.
I took Myrbetriq for about the same amount of time with no results, so I stopped taking it. Later I found out that if you have bladder retention it should not be taken. I retained a great deal. That experience was several years ago. As a result, I no longer see that urologist, and have had a prostatectomy for prostate cancer, gleason 7, with a combined diverticulotomy. Now, I'm dealing with those side affects. To be honest, I have dealt with incontinence issues for some time which I have learned to manage without drugs. I'd rather wear protection of some kind without feeling light headed, dry mouth, etc. as well as being able to void. Drugs don't always work for everyone.
I took it for 3 months. It worked great at first but gave me head aches. After the first month it started to work less and less. At the end of the second month it was barely working.
I have taken Myrbetriq for over a year. It doesn't make symptoms go away completely, but it does alleviate them, so much so that I plan to ask my urologist to prescribe a lower dose to see what happens. I also do Kegels.
none of the meds have worked for me. This one in particular is insanely expensive too. Like all the other drugs, it had crap side effects and a minimal impact on my symptoms. I'm done with treatments. I'm happier just managing it with diapers. While I certainly don't like wearing them, I've become very accustomed to it and am just moving on.
My urologist put me on it. I took it religiously for 6 weeks and saw zero results. Very disappointing!
I have been taking Mybetriq for a little over a year, and it works very well for me, with minimal side effects. I also do Kegels, and I have lost some weight, so I plan to ask my MD to try a lower dose the next time I see her. Damp - I read the patient insert that arrives with every Rx I take so I don't get any surprises. A pharmacist often knows more about medications than an MD does.
Do you remember how long it took for the Mybetriq to begin working? I tried it for 4 weeks and got nothing. I'm wondering if I gave up to soon.
It caused me to have difficulty urinating, while it did nothing for control. Towards the end of the course it was also causing me to have constipation. No fun there.
Ppms, 30 yrs. 71 yr old female.
Beurogenic bladder early and persistent. Terrible. No meds,incl mybetriq helped. Tried all
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