My Miracle Cure for Accidental Bowel Leakage (Fecal Incontinence)


Staff member
My Miracle Cure
1 teaspoon Metamucil(psyllium)fiber every day
1 Imodium pill (2mg) every other day

How I got there: for ten years I have had Accidental Bowel Leakage getting slightly worse each year. I tried every cure known to Doctors and the to the internet with very little success. I have had no difficulty getting various tests and seeing specialists through my local Vetereans Adminstration Hospital.

About a year ago the VA sent me to an outside doctor to have a Anorectal manometry test, a test the VA did not have the equipment to provide. On my first appointmeant with the doctor who was to provide the test he told me to take 1 teaspoon Metamucil(psyllium)fiber every day and 1 Imodium pill (2mg) every other day as a trail for 30 days. I thought, at the time, this was a ruse to charge the VA for an extra appointment since in the past I had tried Metamucil and Imodium in various combinations for years.

Within 3 days I had completely stopped my problem Fecal Incontinence and have not had an incident in the more than a year since then. I kept the 30 day second appointment with the doctor to ask how he knew this would work. He said it worked for 80% of the folks he saw with problems simular to mine.

My Mircal Cure
Thank you sharing your miracle
E. I'm sure this is going to help many
Do you continue this program forever or just for 30 days?
I need the immodium daily, at night. I also use colestid, 2 bid, a wonder drug for me. I need it because my gall bladder and 14" of my iliem were removed. The gall bladder thing creates excess bile and the ileum is where bile is absorbed. So i get a double whammy of irritating bile acids. The cloestid absorbs them. Cured in 12 hours after starting it. Struggled for 2 years before i found the rigjt GI guy. My mom just started the immodium/metamucil combo and after 10 yrs of bitching, she is fine
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