MS and Bladder Issues


Staff member
I was curious if anyone on here had MS and would like to share more information about what issues they face with that diagnosis, or if not please message me. Thank you!
There are at least three active people on here who have MS, and probably more that I’m not aware of. I hope they will help answer your question.
@snow thank you for sharing that! As time goes on I will probably have more questions for them because it is looking like I have MS, but need to await official diagnosis.
justej said:
Why do you think you have ms?

One of my neurological disorders is linked to MS. I have looked into symptoms and there is a lot of MS overlap like vision changes, fatigue, muscle issues, brain fog, etc. Doctors before in another state never looked deeper into the issues. Slowed thinking, random pins and needles feelings, temperature regulation issues, lack of energy. Things that can't really be explained very well with current knowledge/diagnoses. I need to let the doctor do their jobs but my gut has sort of been telling me more is going on than what they know.
Hi @koigal, I have met people with MS and have read up on it a bit more. No two people have the exact same pattern of symptoms and sometimes that's what makes diagnosing MS a challenge. From what I gather there are quite a few symptoms that are possible and most people who have MS may have only a few of them, or may have some if them or maybe even most of those symptoms. If you've had vision changes, definitely do have that checked out because you really do want to be able to see!! And incontinence issues are also possible symptoms as well. But the other symptoms you're experiencing should be evaluated along with everything else.
You are wise to let the doctors do their jobs and I know you're going to help them as much as possible by discussing all of your symptoms. It may be a good idea to make a list of whatever symptoms you have and have an idea of when they occur or whether anything you do triggers them.
But I completely understand that "gut feeling" you have because nobody knows your body better than you do!!!! After all you're "there" 24/7/365. So who knows better!!!
If it were me I would go in with the attitude of teaming up with the doctor(s) but at this point "self-diagnosing" may not be a good idea especially if the doctor finds something different.
I hope you can see someone as soon as practical and please keep us posted!!
I had classic MS symptoms and it was ruled out - there are a fair few conditions that can cause similar issues - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Guillain-Barré Syndrome being some. I seem to recall you mentioned catching Covid. It could be if all tests come back negative then it’s Long Covid related as I caught it, recovered, was fine for a few months and then all the neuro stuff kicked off out of the blue.
My sister has ms. She has lesions on her brain which affects her vision. She also has temperature regulation issues and a lot of fatigue. Not sure what else but as far as I know she doesn’t have bladder issues. Try to not do a bunch of googling. Don’t diagnose yourself. Go to a doctor. No need to get worked up if you don’t know for sure.
Lol I have ms lol at least according to numerous neurologists etc. I was diagnosed formally with ms dec 23, 2016 to be exact.

This was after basically becoming bedridden and could only lie on my left side as I couldn’t turn to my right side without instantly puking. So not fun to say the least. Basically back then my mri lit up like a Christmas Tree thru my entire brain and down my spinal cord. In the hospital most doctors didn’t think I would be able to talk.

Back story is I am an entrepreneur and a workaholic. I had numb feet for 5-7 years prior didn’t tell anyone including my wife lol which didn’t go over very well in the hospital. ;) I honestly just thought my feet would fix themselves lol which they didn’t. In hind sight I had huge urgency issues back then but not nearly as bad as my incontinence is now. Basically neurologists say there probably was so much damage caused back in the day my urinary nerves are just dying out hence the increasing problems with urination symptoms etc. In all honesty I should be thankful in that I have no problems gets overnight :)

I just think still ms is very poorly understood and it’s still like the ms garbage pail which actually houses 2-3 different diseases.

Feel free to message me about anything to do with ms. It is scary also that 80% of ms patients male or female have urinary issues.


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