Mourning my loss of beer drinking


Staff member
Hey Radical Prostectectomy Boys. I know this isn't life moving, but I really miss my beers and my beer buddies. I'm 6 months out of salvage RP (That's right. my second bout with PC after 10 years of "being cured".) and WAY incontinent, 4-6 big pads a day. If I drink a few beers, 9+ pads. It just ain't worth it. Has anyone tried drinking some other kind of booze without doubling their diaper budget. I know it could be construed as frivolous but I am curious and want to imbibe with my drinking friends without FLOODING my lower region. Please help a brother.
I haven’t drank since my RP in September. However, I haven’t been a big drinker since college so not a big deal for me. Buy a few external catheters and a leg bag and go impress you friends.
Thanks Jimfrompa. I'm a PA guy myself. I don't think they make a catheter small enough for me after 9 weeks of radiation and 3 years of anti androgen therapy, followed by a radical pros. ten years later. I wasn't "blessed" before. Now, I'm hung like a baby, if you know what I mean. TMI? Yep. Do they make extra smalls?
For me, any alchohol triggers significant output. What worked for me when I wanted to drink beer or wine was to use an external catheter with leg bag. Using the catheter, you can drink whatever and drain away without worry. Since the leg bags are smaller capacity they need to be emptied every 1 - 1.5 hours which is probably less than if you needed to urinate naturally while drinking.

Hope this helps. Cheers!
Men's liberty has what you're looking for. I've never tried it, but I believe it's similar to a leg bag.
@TommyboyPA Just have a plain soda with a lime twist. Give up the booze. It sucks emotionally, but there are multiple significant payoffs. It’s so much healthier for your entire body to be sober. Your mind and memory will sharpen and focus without alcohol in your life. I agree that it sucks socially not to crack open that “peaceful, easy feeling” to chill out, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still hang with your same buds just because you’re not having alcohol. Try switching to O’Douls or the other brands if “beer alcohol.” But at least, if you’re going to continue drinking alcohol, don’t drink huge volumes of it like with beer: switch to tequila shots, or a jigger of whiskey! Beer has the most calories of all alcohol, AND the lowest buzz per volume. “Liquor’s Quicker!” Shots of “house” liquor cost way less than most decent beers, too.
If you really need a night of a some cold ones, I agree the leg bag is the only way to go! That’s why God Made duct tape, one size fits all! One little trick I’ll share with you, if you are riding across country on your Harley with said bag on your calf, resist the urge to stretch out you legs on the Highway Pegs. It put that bag about 1 inch from the front pipe, Wasn’t thinking about it much until things started getting a little hot down there, when BAM! The bag exploded all over my right side! I never looked up the boiling point of urine, but I’m assuming it’s similar to water since I had nothing but water & Gatorade on board. That was one of those days I was glad I was riding alone somewhere near Durango, I’d hate to be the guy riding behind me! When I walked into the little pharmacy, first thing the pharmacist said was “Put your feet up did ya!” I guess I wasn’t the first!
I limit myself to one to two beers a month. I got some of my kidney function back. It was down to less than 10%, now it's around 27%. Enough to get me off dialysis. My fluid intake was limited to 32 oz. a day. Now it's doubled. I still wet the bed every night,never did stop. Occasionally during the day now. Have to be careful when I take my water pill.
@artiejr Congratulations on imbibing less; it’s not easy. Best of all, congratulations on your healing kidney function!
My daughter worked in a Pediatric ICU and she said they used external catheters with children so I’m sure you could find one to fit you.
Am I the only one who is willing to just wear a heavier garment (if I’m at home, not so much in public) and enjoy the drink? :)

I have been adamant since my accident to not let injuries or conditions keep me from doing what I enjoy. I just take the proper precautions.
@JustAGuy:I can only fully agree your statement! Incontinence may never prevent us from living our lives in the way we want to do! Fortunately there exist a wide range of products, from condone catheters up to diapers in a big range of sizes and capacity that enable us doing what we like to do.

@TommyboyPA: IMHO there speaks nothing against one evening with beer and friends (if the beer doesn‘t get a routine…). Just take precautions, switch for the evening from pads to proper diapers or a condome catheter and enjoy the evening!
Since needing a wheelchair, I've missed nights out as it isn't wise trying to navigate around after a few beers. However, I figured that drinking must have been costing me a ton and so had I been having the same kind of social life I'd been used to, I wouldn't have been able to afford to do other things. It also really made me appreciate the parties at conventions as, being in a hotel, I can actually have some drinks.

So whilst I miss it, I don't miss the cost. I was also musing with a friend of mine that since not spending a ton on nights out during the pandemic, I'd probably have cut back anyway regardless of the Long Covid. I think staying in and saving money has stuck with people.
As already mentioned we need to enjoy life and not be defined by our circumstances. I enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning, but I follow the same routine every day. I also enjoy a glass of red wine or an alcoholic drink if out with friends but I'm always aware that it will change my typical daily routine so I take the necessary precautions.
I typically stay away from beer only because of how much urine it produces versus one "stiff" drink. ***Keep in mind alcohol changes the ph balance of your urine so it's super easy to get a rash that night and/or the day after if you're not careful with your changes.***
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