Mother of a sufferer


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Hi, my eldest son is now nearly 18yrs old. He has suffered with night time enuresis since he was 5yrs old. It all started when he was hospitalized with a terrible bout of Chickenpox. I am convinced that the pox have affected his uretheral tubes. We have tried all available treatments over the years. Both medical and physical. Any ideas anyone?
Dear mother of a sufferer
I too am the mother of a 19 year old son with the same problem, except there was no trigger, he has always had the problem. I have seen many doctors but to date they have basically said he will grow out of it without doing any further testing, just the alarm which didn't work as he is a terribly heavy sleeper. My son is unwilling to go to any appointments and is normally denying it is an ongoing problem. I have now sent him to one appointment at an adult urologist who said he should grow out of it (I wasn't at the appointment) but at least bloods have been taken and he is booked in for a further appointment for a flow rate test and a further consultation. I hope this will get us a little further to a cure. I do understand what you are going through, it seems to me that the medical professionals I have seen so far have not taken this seriously. Good luck and if you have any success please pass it on.
Dear needhelp,
Thank you for your response. It is very difficult isn't it! We too have tried the alarm, medication, diaries etc etc etc. I am hoping for both of our son's sakes that they do indeed do as the Drs have said and 'grow out of it'. However, at what point do we just take that as the answer? I have said to many Doctors that where exactly do I draw the line? 7,10,15? All of these age milestones have been and gone. If we have any success with anything, I will indeed pass on the info and likewise if you could. Take care.
Our daughter, 17 has always been a night time wetter. Finally, an adult urologist tested her bladder ad she has high pressure in it. She will be 18 in Nov, when the doctor will try injecting her bladder with botox. We are going to try acupuncture tomorrow. But the doctor thinks that diet might help....I have no idea!
Thank you for your response dedevz. Interesting that the Doctor thinks that diet might help and good luck with that route. I have tried a more acidic diet and a more alkali diet for my son and neither made any difference to him. Wishing you luck for your daughter in the future and I will look into the bladder pressure more, thanks for the tip. Take care.
I will let you know what I learn today. The doctor said diet and suppliments.....some acupuncture. My daughter eats nothing but protein bars, chicken nuggets and a taco here and there, and some pasta, sometimes. She'll eat raw fruit and vegges.
For me, and I suspect in general, diet makes absolutely no difference.

I was put on Imipramine for IBS, which it didn't help, but found that my bladder felt much stronger as a side effect. Imipramine is an antidepressant that is also prescribed to treat bedwetting. It's an older antidepressant, and a high dose is toxic. I didn't like the way it made me feel if I took multiple pills every day, but I would take a half a pill to one and a half pills on nights that I felt like I might wet the bed, and that really helped.

I'm 21 now and I did apparently "grow out of it" once I got married. The urologists always told me that the brain, including it's bladder control, does not fully mature until mid 20s. So I'm guessing there's a good chance of recovery until 25, and after that if you still have it you're likely stuck with it.
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