The first day I went back to work a month after surgery I ditched the depends and just used a pad in my underwear. Big mistake, a few miles from the job site I felt dampness on my crotch, so I pulled into a Walmart parking lot and when I exited the car my entire crotch was soaking. Thank God Walmart was open, I ran inside bought a pack of Depends, Pads, boxers and blue jeans. I checked myself out at the self checkout lane all while pretending I spilled coffee in my lap. I went into the restroom cleaned myself up and changed into my pads, Depends, Boxers and new pair of jeans. Since that incident that’s pretty much how I dress.
I keep a set of everything in my car, but the only thing I change are the pads, sometimes 3 or 4 while at work.
If you go on a cruise bring twice as much pads and Depends you think you’re going to need, I ran out and ended up buying baby diapers and modified them to use in my underwear. So the biggest challenge for me is running out and not being prepared.