Mirabegron/Betmiga Experiences


Staff member
Has anyone been on this medication for incontinence issues?

The urologist I saw said there were no side effects but a quick search brings up a whole world of pain re side effects and indeed links to dementia. The crazy thing is he didn't want to do any investigations because I'm a young man and he didn't want to embarrass me (but then he also asked if I had mobility problems when I was sitting in a wheelchair...).

I've spoken about it with my Mum and considering a common side effect is diarrhoea we concluded that just changing the majority of accidents from being urinary to faecal probably isn't a brilliant idea (especially as my IBS can be bad enough at times) and that considering it can take a few months for kegels to work and I'm still to have any treatment for FND it's best to hold off until other avenues have been ruled out.

The problem is many people online seem to also claim it's been a miracle drug for them. However, considering my issues getting out of the house it's hard to get to a medical professional if if causes any issues. Plus, with my cognitive issues being bad as it is, I don't want to risk making them worse.
I've noticed that incontinence drugs are linked to cognitive issues.
Any fool who asks if you have mobility issues when you use a wheelchair either has severe lack of social skills or has no intelligence

I have had several experiences where a doctor prescribed a drug with "no side effects". We all know that all drugs have side effects in some people. So, like you, I always research before accepting any drug.

I used to work for a pharmaceutical company as a computer system developer in the marketing department. It was shocking to hear how doctors will believe anything the sales rep told them. The rep would have only a few seconds to talk to the doctor and give him/her drug info and samples. Many doctors don't want to spend time reading the data sheets or researching side effects and interactions.

We must fend for ourselves!
Thanks for the replies. Yeah, it's a bit of a dilemma - I'll see how the kegels and physio goes and if there's no improvement after a while will risk it with the meds. I'm frustrated there were no investigations - during my phone consult I was basically told I'd need to come in to see what was going on and if there was any retention but no, nothing. I turned up for him to just say 'you're too young to go through any of those procedures' and to watch him write a prescription. I'm now wiped out from the journey due to my chronic fatigue and feel awful.

I'm getting really annoyed at this 'too young' nonsense. It's funny as a kid it was all 'you're too old to be wetting yourself/the bed' and now it's 'you're too young to be subjected to any investigations and to wear protection.' I just wanted to cry after my appointment yesterday. I just want my life back.

@stuart I've found that with all medical professionals in my local area - at UCLH in London it was a completely different story - everyone was amazing.

It's possible I could get funding for private treatment from the same charity that are trying to sort my powerchair.
So sorry as I appears your local medical professionals are awful.
Of course you can try the Rx route but I have seen no success stories mostly complaints of extreme dry mouth and fairly minimal relief.
As you have had incontinence issue since childhood you might have to live with the situation as a given.
The charity helping with chair sounds like a good option
@Maymay941 Yeah, it's sort of a rock and hard place scenario. I feel the best option is to do the physio/exercises route as if my nuero issues are purely functional then that should help and the meds won't have an impact anyway. It's a hard one. The other big issue is that in spite of giving them a detailed history of the Long Covid/FND stuff they just had my stuff from two years ago - i.e. my chronic, milder issues. I just give up - I literally had about a half hour conversation with the guy on the phone about all my post-Covid stuff but in person he said he only knew about my chronic stuff. I just give up.

And yeah, I've never been able to stay dry properly but since Covid it's been off the scale. I just need some proper Long Covid/FND treatment. I'm kind of bored of this 'you're too young to...' stuff. I'm too young to be stuck inside festering with a brain that doesn't work but no one locally seems minded to fix that any time soon. I'm just really unlucky to live in the area I do.
You are a person who is very intelligent and proactive which I going to continue to serve you well.
The long Covid thing is probably a total mystery to docs brand new illness and so brand new issues.
In my informal listening to folk with Covid and those with vaccines side effects I kind of hear a rumble of did the Covid mess more with people on various medications? Did the vaccine interact with the previously medicated?

I'm really sorry by the way, I didn't mean to harsh about having some level of incontinence before Covid. That sounds like a curse as you probably been shamed for it since childhood and yet it's apparently congenital which is what it is like needing eyeglasses for a weak eye or hearing aid e for child hood deafness
During the last 15 years, I have taken the following for urinary issues:
tolterodine (Detrol), IT DID NOT HELP,
Sanctura (Trospium)IT DID NOT HELP
I tried taking mirabegron (Myrbetriq) four years ago and it helped for a while but eventually, its effectiveness wore off. I stopped using it after two years. According to medical studies, Myrbetriq reduces the chances of dementia compared to other drugs used to treat OAB. (See:https://www.urologytimes.com/view/study-adds-evidence-linking-anticholinergics-dementia)

In the last 6 months my OAB doctor had me on a course of solifenacin (Vesicare), and Myrbetriq (mirabegron), again it seemed to help for a while, but then it was not effective

Prior to my Green Light Laser surgery a year ago where 65% of my prostate was eliminated, I took Tamsulosin (Flomax) for many years [It may have been my initial cause of ED based on conversations with a friend who took it and hated it due to it changing his sex life].

Due to numerous UTIs I was prescribed Macrobid (nitrofurantoin) after I had the GLLS. I have not had a UTI since the surgery.

Although your doctors may not know or explain the side effects of the drug(s) they prescribe, there is a ton of information on the Internet that will help you answer your questions about side effects.

Hope my experience helps someone.
"Although your doctors may not know or explain the side effects of the drug(s) they prescribe, there is a ton of information on the Internet that will help you answer your questions about side effects."

Is there any other medical speciality that would tolerate this lack of knowledge where the patients are required to get answers on their own?
Stuart and fleemore what an interesting thought to explore why people choose different avenue of medical specialties. My Ex was in Opthalmology and said they love the field (though not an MD himself) because it has a high success rate and innovation frequently. It was an easy high to say there I fixed that.
Urology it's let me do these miserable tests and do surgery and meds that no on likes with a mysterious origin of bodily dysfunction and uncertain positive results for patients?
@Maymay941 No worries! Apologies if it seemed like a criticism - it wasn't at all. Indeed, my milder issues were less annoying to deal with and indeed using protection after years of denial was a huge help. I think two years ago if someone had offered me awful side effects or pads, I'd have taken the pads. Having to wear protection as a kid overnight has definitely meant I'm not as embarrassed about it and as I've put in other threads often wanted to wear protection for added security in my teenage years but was too embarrassed to bring it up to my parents (waking up in wet beds and damp trousers wasn't much fun). Being a lifelong issue has made it easier to deal with but the fact it's a pretty much constant total loss of bladder control has made life more awkward.

@fleemoore Thanks for the info., it's a big help. I think considering I have so many weird issues at the moment due to Long Covid I'd rather not add any into the mix. I think the gastro issues are my main concern as it really doesn't take much to set me off in that regard and with regular osteopathy my bowel accidents are far less frequent.

Edited to add: @Maymay941 - I wonder if it's because of the stigma around incontinence. Having to wear nappies/diapers beyond the standard age is seen to be the most embarrassing thing on the planet so doctors probably figure anything's better.
@Maymay941 Yeah - it's been a real lifesaver re the IBS. If I go once a month like clockwork it tends to keep things in check bar any of my big triggers.
Hey there sci -fan I agree with you there are many things on the internet that present the medications that they prescribe will work and has great reviews but it only takes a couple of real people to quickly dismiss the buullshit. I had been doubly incontinent for ten years and have been on at least two of the drugs currently in discussion but let me tell you that so far theside effects greatly outweigh the projected results. Ihave had about evry shitty side effect imaginable and eventhe climax I'm on now only helps my bladder empty all the way to help with infection these drs. Receive massivekickbacks for prescribing whatever drugs the pharmilogical people push. I can for sure relate although I am total incont. I have dealt with and still do deal withthelies and unsafe recommendation of my drs.
@Jonlefthand Thanks for the advice. Yeah, it's always awkward re medication. I think my annoyance is that no investigations have been (however unpleasant) as that would fully rule out any non-function neuro issues and that he didn't even care about my Long Covid/FND even though that's what really caused near total incontinence.

What really frustrates me is that I was told by the neurologist in London I should be able to make a good recovery but I've been left to the mercy of the local cretins because of how healthcare works over here. Hopefully some private funding will be forthcoming.
Ya sci-fan it is definitely true that they do not know what the long-term effects of a drug test give us mostly because these drugs may have it bee around long enough to have any extended results.i am already afraid I'm gonna look up and find one of the meds I've been on advertising a class-action lawsuit,and asking for people who have had problems useing this "medication. I have a nuerogenic bladder and bowel.i have alot of problems due to an accident where I died for a long time. My friend who was in the car with me was doing for on e when the ambulance came and they worked for 28min to drive me and they said I would never walk ,talk, or feed myself again. I have anoxic brain damage ad now dementia.. pre senile dementia.hang in there brother it does get easier.
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