Medication to help prevent urinary voids… and exercise


Staff member
I discovered something interesting and important over the past week or so. I was prescribed a medication to reduce the number and/or volume of voids, while I await upcoming tests. I started having very labored breathing when trying to swim; I have asthma but this labored breathing was so bad that I could not even swim 100 yards when I used to swim 500+ yards nonstop. The medication actually dried out my lungs, and that is why all of this happened. Needless to say, I am risking voids instead of having extreme labored breathing.
@artiejr But Ditropan essentially “dehydrates” every part of your body so you don’t have frequent or voluminous voids. Your lungs apparently become dry enough that they cannot bring in enough oxygen during exercise when taking Ditropan.
You are not the first to suffer bad side effects from these bladder anti-spasm drugs.This is why I highly recommend to everyone to research every medication before taking it. I’ve ended up in the ER too many times despite my hesitation, only to be assured I’ll be “FINE”! The next thing I hear from the Doc is “I’ve never come across that, it must be unique to you”? Yet when you read things on this forum you very quickly find “I’m not so unique”!
I took Ditropan over 30 years ago and had to stop due to bad side effects. Yours is a dramatic case, but easily documented at 80% loss of function….
Really sorry this happened to you, but read up on the anti-cholinergic, as they are probably next in “The Manual”? they are advertised on tv every day as a wonder drug, but so far are the ONLY medication directly connected to Alzheimer’s onset….
@Sprung87 I tried Flomax, per my Primary Care Physician to address this months ago. When I kept having issues and sought a second opinion from a different urologist than my PCP referred me to, his comment was that the medication was only to get me through until another round of tests could be conducted. I was in so much distress from the prostate issues when I saw the second urologist, literally ready to cut the (expletive) thing out myself. I asked what the side effects were, and he mentioned a mile long list, but did not mention anything about “dehydration” of the lungs. I just figured instead of cutting the (expletive) thing out, I would take the medication. But thank you for the advice for the future.
@artiejr That is the point… the less amount of liquid in other areas of your body, the liquids then don’t go through the bladder as quickly or at all because the body is trying to absorb what it can. Hence, your voids are less frequent and less voluminous, hopefully.
In my many trips to the urologist I have not found any ‘miracle’ drugs that stop my bed wetting - side effects are not worth it. I diaper up every night so no more drugs for me - it’s hit or miss with me - sometimes the diaper did it’s job other times I’m dry in the mornings. I’m not worried about a soaked diaper as long as it does it’s job - don’t get me wrong every now and then it leaked - bed mattress protected so I deal with it - I’m not a medicine type guy in the 1st place
I tried most of these meds, but the side effects were horrible. Doctor's told me to handle it as I saw fit. That's why I wear diapers and plastic pants nightly. Minimal daytime issues presently.
Just tested positive for COVID-19. Doctor called in a prescription that may be harmful to my kidneys. Going to call kidney doctor in morning for further instructions
I’m back in heavy void diapers but at least I can actually breathe… air in my lungs yet pissing myself constantly. I will take the air… I used to whine about the diapers, although I am beginning to think they are not so bad.
I couldn’t agree with you more, it’s a scary thing not being able to breathe! A few years ago I had a tumor growing in my C-Spine and the “BRILLIANT” pain management nurse prescribed Gabipentin which knocked me out so bad I had to quit driving because I developed narcolepsy. Still she insisted it was the newest, latest greatest pain management pill. LSS, I ended up having a narcoleptic episode while watching the football game after eating a big bowl of flaming hot curry. I ended up inhaling most of that curry into my lungs, burning everything from my tongue to my lungs. In the ER they suctioned out all they could, by my lung tissues are forever fried. 3 days in ICU with a tube down my throat, then a week of hourly breathing treatments and I still only max out at 96-97% Blood Oxygen now. I’ve been very athletic my whole life but no more running and if I kick it too hard on my mountain bike I still feel like I’m going to pass out at times. Oh well, if I just sit around I’ll just get old, some air is better than none….
Glad your OK! Breathing is good!
PS the “Pain Specialist” and her Boss were both fired and banned from practicing medicine in North Carolina. The sad part is these quacks just go from one state to another leaving a trail of pain & suffering behind and there’s not a thing you can do about it nationally
Caveat Emptor!
Sorry to hear that you lost some breathing issues. Glad to hear it mostly came back. Last year when I was in the hospital, I had only 90% room oxygen level. It took over two weeks to get it back to normal.
Tested positive for COVID yesterday. Been in touch with PCP awaiting next step. Will probably have an anti-body infusion done. Don't know if in patient or out patient.
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