May need a new/another Job.


Staff member
Where I work they are starting to wind down from the fall (*** more to come***). In the last month I went from clearing $370 a week to $240 due to cut backs in the amount of hours I am getting. That greatly effects my budget. Like I will have to borrow money from my parents to pay my rent.. (*Luck I am still in school and will be getting my school refund on 2/7) The thing is that work asks people to go home and you can say no as they have to keep us for the hours we are givin if we say no. *But they are trying to kick everyone out by 5am each day when we normal work tell 7am (6:30pm-7am sunday-tuesday) Here is the catch. Over the last month my options have went way down. It is "Take VTO (voluntary time off) or throw heavy boxes all night (*and get told that I need to throw them quicker so that we can leave at 5am) My thing is that I can do everything in my area but they are in cross training mode so they are bringing people in to train them where I work. I have been given several verbal warnings this month for not working as fast as others. I am at my wits ends because I want to be making $500 a week but this job, in this place is so messed up right now. Now***The other thing is that if we try to stay after 5am they give us crap work to do. Like the other day the wanted us to sweep the mods which we pay a crew to do with equipment*** and then the managers that want to go home will be all up your butt asking you if you what to go home yet. GRRR... needed to rant.
Work smart and not hard.

I worked at a place where we wasn't allowed to work smart and not hard. Even if safety was an issue.

We also wasn't allowed to use common sense. And I mean none even if safety was an issue.

Makes it hard when you got 3 4 managers saying to do things a different way. From each.

I had it out with 1 of the managers after she said you can't work smart and not hard. I bassicly told her to get out of my area and that she was holding things up and to leave me alone and I'll do things my way period,she didn't like that to well.

I started prioritizing things, after they started wanting me to be in 4 places at once in 4 different areas of the building, which isn't phyicaly possible.

We go no thank yous or anything when we did extra work. They started being disrespectful to us and instead of asking nicely they started demanding. When that started me and others threw being hard and faithful workers out the window.
When we let unions die - big business will brutalize the workers...
In my opinion, the citizenry need to get off our attitude of complacence.
Only by uniting - weill the worker have a voice....
Hi all, sorry to hear about the job thing.
There is no excuse for people being nasty or making you work in unfair or unsafe environments. I have found while in school that a great deal of companies that are really worth working for use temp agencies first as a 6 month trial then make an offer.
The most critical thing is have a resume professional write your resume. Can mean the difference between just a job or a career that pays really well.
So many places have specific key word scanners now to pickup just what the company is looking for. Make sure to get help from the job placement for your college. Makes a huge difference and they are normally happy to open doors for you.
Good luck and find a place you can grow, learn, be appreciated. They are out there don’t be discouraged.
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