May be away for awhile - upcoming neurosurgery


Staff member
Hi everyone,

I post here frequently, so I wanted to let you know that I will be having brain surgery on Thurs, and don't know how long it will take me to recover sufficiently to post again. I have Essential Tremor (my hands shake when I use them for fine motor activities such as eating, cooking, writing, keyboard, cell phone, etc.)

I thank all of you for your kindness and suggestions, for myself and everyone else.

Hopefully, I will recover quickly. I will post again when I'm able.

Thanks to everyone in this wonderful group, for which I'm so grateful.
Sending best wishes and positive thoughts for successful surgery and a speedy and uneventful recovery boasammy. We're all looking forward to seeing you here again really soon!
Wishing you all the best! I will be selfishly looking forward to your positive outcome! I met with my PCP (Primary Care Doc) today in regards to a very similar problem I’m having since the tumor was removed from my C-Spine. In my case it might just be easier to swap my head & it’s working parts(maybe add some hair???) onto a new chassis as last week I was told I need both knees replaced, right one immediately, and now my neurosurgeon wants to start with an MRI on on my upper Thorasic spine, as my shoulders and pectoral muscles have begun doing their own little dances to their own tunes at will! It makes drinking my morning coffee a true adventure!
Please post-in when you’re up to it, looking forward to a great outcome for you!
I have a very good friend who has that, he never had the surgery. I am a brain tumor survivor and the brain has no nerve endings so there is little pain. I belong to our local brain tumor support group. My rotator cuff repair on my left shoulder many moon ago was the worse surgery I ever had. Today with the robots doing the incisions are tiny and rehab not that bad. You will be back before you know it. I used to help him eat by cutting up his food for him and making sure he always had a spoon. He liked soup-easy to eat and I would drive him places sometimes. He is a great guy, he is in the hospital now fighting. He has had several stokes and I think he is waiting for the Lord to call him home. He was the kindest person I ever met. I went to special needs during Hurricane Irma, I asked him if he has a place to go, he said no, so I asked if he would like to be m companion. He said sure. We stayed there for 10 days until we had electric in our park. Next time I will be more prepared. They won't take you home until we have it. We volunteer in the kitchen by doing dishes. The staff was the school staff during school. They were great and thankful. They were very appreciated of us also. The food is not like when I went to school where everything was cooked from scratch in the 1960's. Almost everything is frozen and prepared. The local church after 5-6 days bought over some food and cloths. Which was great. I did not have all my exercise stuff with me, won't make that mistake again either. There were a lot of doctor's and nurses. They were from a group that travel around the world during disasters. Three of the U.S. military services have their own surgeon general, namely the Surgeon General of the United States Army, Surgeon General of the United States Navy, and Surgeon General of the United States Air Force. The one doctor told me that America is the only nation he has worked in where the young do not take care of the old-their parents and grandparents. I believe him. Our parents always took care of their parents. Grandma used to live with us sometimes. There is another branch of the military under the surgeon general who serve during disasters I learned this. I never knew they existed. I might have to go to general population because they C-Pap and other issues I have may not be enough for the special needs. IT was great, had my own bed, good food, and lots of people to talk to. We sleep on cots in the gym. IT was the Lee County High school need Lehigh I believe. the night of the storm there wasn't a place to walk. The next morning the sun was shining. We lost electric but they had a generator for air. It was hot. We were fine though. I was so glad to see everyone leave. The place was eligible for animals and there were a lot with animals. Because we were picked up early, we had good space near the bathrooms. Next time I might just drive away with my boyfriend. He has a 5th wheel which he has gotten ready in case we have to leave. We only have to leave if it is a big one. More than a 3.MY manufactured home was built in 2014 and can withstand a 3. It is tried down with hurricane windows. We take everything in. Irma went right over us where I had some damage but not bad. Being in the shelter we signed up for emergency funds and they sent us each 500. Not bad. Glad I went. Helped with the repairs I had. But do not worry-you will be fine-good luck and prayers are always good-let me know how you do-I always wonder whey Conley never had the surgery-I know he took meds for it. The last year the meds did nto work as well.
I was diagnosed last year with ET as well and a simple neurological consult revealed that a prescribed medication I was taking (can’t remember the name and the doc’s office is closed now) could result in the side effects of essential tremors. My hands would shake significantly while holding certain objects like a water or soda bottle, the car steering wheel, etc. Have you considered all the meds you Amy be taking now for their possible side effects?
@stryder-great point- I know I have been taking Celebrex for pain and I think some of the crap I am having is from side effects from it, it works great but I cut it in half. I hate taking pain meds anyway.
boasammy, You are a trooper and have a good attitude. Take your time in recovery and think positive thoughts. You undoubtedly have an excellent surgeon. You'll be fine.
@boasammy, I wish you all the best in your surgery! I hope you get through it well, recover quickly, and get back here soon.
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