Male Bedwetting


Staff member
I'm new to the forms but in the short time I've been here I've noticed that there are a lot of adult male bedwetters here. Whew I'm not alone LOL.

So is there really a large number of adult dudes who wet the bed out there thsn we would think? I use to, and still do to some extent, think I must be one out of like 50,000 guys who wet the bed past high school.
Jaytee you are definitely not alone in dealing with male bedwetting. I also thought I was alone in dealing with this embarrassing and not manly health issue but through support through groups like NAFC i'm getting through it. Hang in there.
Yes, Jaytee. I've read stats that say about 1% of adult men wet the bed at least occasionally. And some of us do it every night. I haven't had a dry night in many years.
Hi Jaytee. You are definitely not alone. I used to wonder if I was the only guy out there who wets during the night. I have urinated into a diaper every night without exception for years.
If you look at the shelf space big box stores devote to products for managing adolescent and adult male incontinence, the one percent guess, above, must be understating it by a mile.
Hi Jaytee. There are LOTS of us out there! :) I too used to think I must be the only adult guy wetting his bed, or at least one of very few--joined perhaps only by people with severe physical or cognitive disabilities. But there are WAY MORE of us than just about anyone knows, and normal in every other way. I expect that the reason we think we're so unique is partly because most of us don't talk about it. We don't want anyone else to know. And the end result of that is that we feel alone and have no idea that we probably know several adult guys that wet the bed--but they don't talk about it either!

I'm not suggesting that we start advertising to the world that we wet our beds, but I take comfort in knowing that I'm part of a huge club. And if all of the other bedwetters in my circle of friends manage to live normal lives without others finding out (including me), that means I can too.

I once read a study that concluded that about 4% of college students and graduate students wet the bed at least once a week, and not due to the effects of alcohol. And considering that many adult bedwetters won't even admit it on an anonymous survey, that's a huge number! That's at least 1 in 25, not 1 in 50,000. And lots of other studies show that the incidence of bedwetting doesn't change much after age 18. So we can extrapolate that that rate likely carries on into adult years beyond college.

I'm NOT saying that there is no hope--that things won't improve for you or for any particular person here. But I feel empowered knowing that there are lots of others just like us. You likely know SEVERAL adult bedwetters--but you just don't know who they are.

Welcome to the club. :)
Thanks for all the replies. I often fell like I must be the only guy past teen years who still wets the bed sometimes. While I am sorry that most of you also share this problem, I am glad that I am not alone in this struggle.

I only wet 1-2 nights a month, but that is enough for me to get frustrated about it.

Again thanks for the knowledge that I am not alone.
This problem is new to me. I posted a very detailed thread about what I'm going though but long story short I had very mild and early resolved childhood betwetting and for the rest of my life only wet once or twice a year. I never really counted myself as a bedwetter because I actually thought 1 or 2 times a year was normal. Suddenly in the last 6-8 months the frequency had significantly increased (several times per week) and I'm just now in the process of getting it medically evaluated and trying to come to terms with needing to wear protection at night. Glad I found this place because I've been a mess lately. I hide it well but I can't stop myself from worrying and dwelling on this. My wife is very supportive though, which helps me stay grounded.
The title of this thread begs me to ask (and wonder) there a difference between male bedwetting and female bedwetting?

Why is a sexual identity assigned?
Men and women have very different anatomy and plumbing obviously. Prostate issues can contribute to male incontinence. Men are much more likey than women to bed wet. It's quite relevant if you ask me.
Political correctness is the absolute last thing I give a crap about when it comes to me seeking out other men to talk about these issues with. I prefer to talk to men about my bedwetting and needing diapers 24/7 and make no apologies for that. I'm sure women would prefer to have other women as resources.
I wasn't sure if he was asking to make it a PC thing or if he genuinely wasn't aware that there might be differing biological mechanisms at play. I'm quite new to this and learning every day myself.
Add me to the list of bed wetters. I never was dry at night and have daytime control issues as well. I guess I will always be in diapers. I have neurological spinal cord damage and urge incontinence, a small bladder and a sphincter muscle that does not stay closed.
I've seen several studies that attempted to quantify this, with varying estimates.

Consistently, across all ages, males wet the bed at approximately twice the rate of females.

I've seen studies that put the rate of adult bedwetting between 0.5%, and 2.7%. A major inconsistency is that these studies don't always define bedwetting the same way, or sometimes at all. Some studies classify a person as a bedwetter if they wet more than 6 times in 6 months, others more than twice a month, others simply ask if the person is a bedwetter (and either the respondent or doctor is left to make a judgement about how often qualifies). If you survey a group of people and ask, "are you a bedwetter", you get a much lower response than if you ask, "in the last month, have you experienced any involuntary loss of urine while sleeping".

The most realistic result I've seen from a study put the number around 1.5%, 1% of women, and 2% of men.
msuspartan said:
I've seen several studies that attempted to quantify this, with varying estimates.

Consistently, across all ages, males wet the bed at approximately twice the rate of females.

I've seen studies that put the rate of adult bedwetting between 0.5%, and 2.7%. A major inconsistency is that these studies don't always define bedwetting the same way, or sometimes at all. Some studies classify a person as a bedwetter if they wet more than 6 times in 6 months, others more than twice a month, others simply ask if the person is a bedwetter (and either the respondent or doctor is left to make a judgement about how often qualifies). If you survey a group of people and ask, "are you a bedwetter", you get a much lower response than if you ask, "in the last month, have you experienced any involuntary loss of urine while sleeping".

The most realistic result I've seen from a study put the number around 1.5%, 1% of women, and 2% of men.
I became a bed wetter about 12yr ago my wife was upset and have been in diapers and mattress cover the stigma was very hard at first but later have adjusted.I do think females do wet the bed a whole lot less than men.
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