Male 69 Meds not working to treat enlarged prostate with severe nocturia


Staff member
Hello Again All,

So I have been given the usual meds for my nocturia Flomax and Finasteride. Not helping much at all.
Constant extreme urge to pee pretty much all night. Like 30 or 40 times per night.
The doc showed me the anatomy where the urethrea passes through the prostate which when enlarged constricts the passage of urine which doesn't allow the bladder to fully void its' contents . So what's the next step here ? Is there even a stronger med out there to do the job I wonder ? And as far as the surgical option what procedure is out there which hopefully does not involve removal of the prostate ?
Can a surgeon do something to remove the pressure on the urethrea like maybe putting a stint around the urethrea so as to take the pressure/constriction off that passage ?
Any feedback on this most gratefully appreciated !

Anthony Sheppard
At first, I had several cystoscopies with dilation procedures.

That was followed by implanting the Medtronic Interstim device. (Looks exactly like my heart pacemaker.)

That was followed by the "RERZUM" procedure to reduce the size of my prostate.
@shep9000 If I fall asleep sitting up, I don’t get nocturia nearly as bed . . . but that’s not really sleeping.
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