Long meetings


Staff member
I recently completed some classes and I have a new job. In an office. So far so good. And the restroom is just down the hall. My OAB has not been an issue other than being a bit self conscience about passing by the receptionist too many times per day to get to the restroom. Here is my concern. The boss is back from a lengthy out of town trip. I have been told that on occasion he will hold long status and planning meetings. The question is if I have a urgent situation during a meeting what should my plan be?

1. quietly get up to go to the restroom and return as quickly as possible?
2. interrupt the meeting, excuse myself by saying something? But what is the professional thing to say?
3. wear protection and tough it out?

My apology for this seemingly silly question but I have not been in a long meeting like this before and I have not seen if and how other people handle it.
See what the Office Climate is first. If it is environment where getting up isn't a big deal it's be preferable, but stressing about it will only make it worse. Protection might make things calmer
My experience is that #1 has worked in my work situation, but I work in a relatively small office with many people over the age of 40. I am sure that you won't be the only one in this quandry. In fact, you might just ask an experienced co-worker with whom you feel comfortable, how everyone else handles these long meetings. Just don't drink too much beforehand!
You are allowed to go to the bathroom, even during business meetings. I conduct two day training sessions, I have no issues with going to the bathroom. I say it is time for a bio-break. If someone asks where you are going or where you have been on returning, just say a bio-break and nothing else.If it is in the morning, I have said, "You only rent coffee!" Nobody has ever pushed back. Don't apologize for mother nature.
Your thoughts are not silly at all, one excuse I will use, is I drink a lot of water, and you can add to that if you like. Yes wear protection for the meeting, just to be safe.
#1 definitely. I’m in the corporate world and this is totally normal. No need to announce it or ask permission. Good luck! You’ve got this!
You have every right to your needs esperwhennit comes to using the restroom!! To be curtious I would talk with a few co workers and ask what the atmosphere is like and if it is not a helpful one then I would talk to either your supervisor or HR and tell them you have urgency issues and it will be an issue during meetings. They should and are even obligated to make arrangements for you to be comfortable and able to take care of your needs. There is also no shame in wearing protection to “cover your ass” in an emergency!! We’ve all been there and if you have issues or more questions just keep asking!! Hope it goes well for you!!
Wow, thank you everyone for the quick reply. And being new and not being really familiar with everyone in the office yet, I am bit reserved in talking about it with anyone. You convinced me, I will wear protection, just in case. There were days on my previous job where I would need to wear something as well. With urges its not like I can concentrate on the meeting topic or even contribute, so it would be best to "sneak" out to take care of it. And sit near the door. I kinda like the "bio break" response if someone should ask, because that is what it is. Hopefully at various points others leave as well. Rumor has it this boss pays no mind to time. And for toughing it out, I will try. See how far I get. But as you know OAB incontinence is not a leak without feeling, it might be loss of control after uncomfortable and all-consuming urges. Something in my subconscious in me says not to sit there and pee myself even with protection. Because of course the whole bladder retraining regime would suggest otherwise.

Again thanks everyone, I think a can face this now!
I’d wear protection the first time and observe how others handle the situation. That way you can apply that to future meetings.
On days that I know about a long meeting I will use an absorbance higher than my usual. When at work I feel better if I am over protected.
Hey Melanie, how’s the new job? Hope it’s going smooth and your able to concentrate on your job and not your bladder!! I too recently started a new job and am at a desk most of the day which is very strange for me as I have never been in a management position before so not moving around and wrenching on things is quite an adjustment but I will say that it makes having to wear diapers so much easier as I’m not sweaty or moving around as much so there’s allot less chance of being noticed!! Plus my body won’t wear out as quickly!! Anyway I hope your new job is going great and you are able to concentrate on what you need to without any worries!!
Love my new job. And I don't have to deal with the semi-drunks, people with unsolvable social issues and guys (and a few women) hitting on me in my past life tending bar. So far the boss had only one meeting that was about 1 hour long. Made it thru with no problems. Yes, I wore protection and jeans so nothing was visible. We shall see what happens on longer meetings...


Not quite the same as you. I deal with occasional bedwetting so long meetings are not an issue for me. Unless they are boring and drag on and I fall asleep. 😆 But I have been worked on long flights where I might fall asleep.

I have gotten great advice here on how to deal, with that. Wearing an adult pull-ups for just in case.

So I sorta in a different way understand your situation. I'd say find a product that give you the comfort and confidence to handle those long meetings without worry.
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