Long day, next steps.


Staff member
So today I met with the colorectal surgeon. The appointment went well but left me with only a few options.

1) Try botox in my puborectalis and sphincter muscles.
2) Do nothing.
3) End up with a colostomy bag.

The doctor really wanted me to try botox to give the muscles time to not do anything for a while. The hope is that it will cause a reset of those muscles.

So in August that is what will be done. Not happy about it but it really can't be much worse that what it is and I know the risks and timeline.

In the scheme of things botox is not the worst option and it will not be a final thing so I feel like it is worth trying.

It's a bit of time away but it's already crazy to think about.
If it were me, I'd do the botox because at least it would be something as opposed to the do nothing option, which of course is not doing anything for you now.
Today is the big MRI day and yep my car decided it hates me. (Likely have a bad sensor) lucky I am borrowing my sister's car so I can deal with mine tomorrow.

So the thing about getting Botox is it is not about trying to improve or stop some of the accidents but rather giving my muscles time to heal. Truth is very likely things will be worse as far as accidents go and not better but at this point anything is worth a try. The hope is that it will allow things to calm down and work right after the Botox wears off but this is a hail Mary pass.

The hope that colorectal surgeon has is that then I can get a mobility study of how long thing take to move through my system and determine what is going on.
The colorectal surgery doctor feels that there's a chance that part of my large intestine is not working which could be the reason why nothing is actually going through the way it should be.

I am likely looking at a lot more stuff before anything is figured out but this first step is a good step.
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