Life Update.


Staff member
Today was my first day back to physical therapy after the Christmas season. I ended up going south to Florida for Christmas,

((Before anyone jumps to say anything, it was done with my therapist approval and everyone that I am not use to being around was tested as they all work for places that require regular testing (One brother is tested every week as he gets overlapping test between his two jobs, my little sisters was tested before leaving and is tested at work all the time, She is a D.O.D. contractor) as for my parents I am around them all the time when they are up here so no issue there) so everyone that was there was tested before getting together or had been in lockdown already. I stayed away for the recommended 7 days before going back to the doctor so all good.

Now, a bit of what has been going on. First the trip south and then back north were pure hell... Not doing that again with what I have going on. The trip ups was very bad as it was just before Christmas and every rest-area was pack... (I like to drive at night as the roads are empty.) Lucky for my I grew up around truck drivers so I know all of the tricks of the truck stop.

Big thing came out of the trip... First is that my core is in such bad shape that a trip like that will not happen again for a long time. I had to keep the seat in my car back so that my core did not spasm all the time.

Once I got to FL. thing were okay and I only stayed for a few day and came right back home.

About the trip home.. I had on bad blow out accident and had to change fully. Lucky the rest area was empty so I got it done.. (Cleaning up sucked)

Now that I am back and got to see my physical therapist I have new stuff to get done. First is testing, she is going to reach out to my GI doctor and tell her that the testing needs to be done as it will give her a better understanding as to what I am dealing with.

So It will be both the Defecography test and she is going to push for a SITZ marker test as well. My therapist is also going to see about anything else we can do to help me as she is kind of at a loss with what to do without knowing what all is effecting this issue.

So all in all there is a plain in place and getting to go home for Christmas really reset my mood a lot so now I am ready to work through this and see what this year has for me... I am ready if things don't go well as right now that seems to be where I am heading so I have spent time emotionally preparing myself to my future.
Welcome back and Happy New Year!
Glad you got a good break. Sorry to hear about the blow out. That’s never easy.
Hope your Doctor can find out what’s going on for you. Hang in there okay?
Hey Friend, you did what you had to for a quality of life and we're just here to support you. You are a responsible respected person and brave as all get out.
Glad you made the trip safely.
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