Life update. A lot has changed.


Staff member
Well, it has been a bit since I posted here and a lot has gone on and a few things have changed.

My sleep study showed some things that are not good that now add to my ever-growing list of medical problems. They found that I have a severe case of obstructed sleep apnea so a CPAP has been ordered as well as a follow-up sleep study. UGH!

I got to go to Florida for Thanksgiving but it was not a fun trip as everything acted up.

Things are finalized with social security so now I just have to wait till they do their thing.

I am back with physical therapy but she is like "Why did they send you back to me". We are trying a few things but she is going to fuss at my team this month to get answers so that we can move along with things that need to be done.

My attitude is still up and down but seeing family at Thanksgiving gave me a much-needed boost.

Now if I can get through the rest of this month then in December I have doctor's visits and I hope to get answers.

Over all, I just want to be able to go see people without risk.

Right now I am waiting to see what the sleep study doctor has to say and see how soon I can get seen.

Life moves on.
I have been taking 1 mg of Clonazepam before bedtime for well over 30 years now and I still am not aware of anything negative from its use. As I had previously mentioned, a personal doctor friend always said that sleep deprivation was far more detrimental than taking a little med.
I agree with what others already said. Consistent, good sleep may do wonders for you. I pray that’s what happens!
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