Life keeps going. Update.


Staff member
Well this week has been a rollercoaster. Left For Florida last Tuesday and got back home last night. The trip itself was crazy. My Parents truck broke down on the ride to Florida and we had to rent a van to finish the trip. (Truck is still broke down and at a shop)

Biggest thing that happened this week personally is that I am single again. I knew it was comming so I don't really have any bad feeling about it.

There were a lot of things that could not be fixed.

The 16th is my appointment with my surgon and that is the last chance for things to change before pulling the plug all together and going fully to a different hospital. I got a lot of good advice and feel that I am going in a good direction that well lead to getting the care that I need.

Now I just have to relix and wait tell I see my surgon and hope that I can get in fast to get things done.
I'm sorry to hear that you're single again but happy to hear that you feel you're going in the direction you need to be going in and that you're confident you'll be getting the care you need. Best of luck and please keep up posted!
@ThatFLGuy True that. It is a roller coaster to put it nicely. I almost hate the saying, but it is true. "Life is what happens when you are making other plans" - Sounds like weather you like it or not - you will move forward. We all wish you the best. Truly. - Pam
To say that there were problems with the relationship would be an understatement, But I felt that some of them could be worked out with time.

Three big issue that I learned from dating someone that also has advanced medical issue is that in some cases the other person doesn't want to hear you conplain about your issues. That was the case for me. GF, would flat out yell at me for always saying that I was misrable. Would say things like your problems are not that bad, "Mine are worse than yours". Everytime I tried to bring up that we were both different and deal with different things she would not respond and sometimes come up with reasons to get off the phone with me.

Second thing was that she wanted me to give up things here at my appartment that give me stuff to do. (My internet, video games and photo editing software subscription)These thing are part of the little joy that I have in my life and I was never going to give them up... My internet is part of my bills that brings the amount I get in food stamps so doing away with that would negatively effect me financially.

Lastly, She stopped comeing to my apartment and was demanding that I, move closer to her, help her clean her trashed apartment (It was like that when we met) and give up all the thing that make me..ME.

I understand that relationships are about working together everything was one sided with effort.

The finaly major issue for me was that she always told me that she had two EX-husbands, but she is infact still married to one of them and she waited until she was talking about us getting a place together to bring that up because I will not live with someone that I am not married to.

I had no issue staying a few days at her place and her here but she stopped coming here to my place. And, yes my place is a whole lot cleaner than hers.

Last, last thing is that I don't have any hard feeling about all of this. It just is what it is.
ThatFLGuy said:
To say that there were problems with the relationship would be an understatement, But I felt that some of them could be worked out with time.

Three big issue that I learned from dating someone that also has advanced medical issue is that in some cases the other person doesn't want to hear you conplain about your issues. That was the case for me. GF, would flat out yell at me for always saying that I was misrable. Would say things like your problems are not that bad, "Mine are worse than yours". Everytime I tried to bring up that we were both different and deal with different things she would not respond and sometimes come up with reasons to get off the phone with me.

Second thing was that she wanted me to give up things here at my appartment that give me stuff to do. (My internet, video games and photo editing software subscription)These thing are part of the little joy that I have in my life and I was never going to give them up... My internet is part of my bills that brings the amount I get in food stamps so doing away with that would negatively effect me financially.

Lastly, She stopped comeing to my apartment and was demanding that I, move closer to her, help her clean her trashed apartment (It was like that when we met) and give up all the thing that make me..ME.

I understand that relationships are about working together everything was one sided with effort.

The finaly major issue for me was that she always told me that she had two EX-husbands, but she is infact still married to one of them and she waited until she was talking about us getting a place together to bring that up because I will not live with someone that I am not married to.

I had no issue staying a few days at her place and her here but she stopped coming here to my place. And, yes my place is a whole lot cleaner than hers.

Last, last thing is that I don't have any hard feeling about all of this. It just is what it is.
May I say that life is too short to put up with any of that stuff. I would love to hear about what you are planning (or doing) for video content if you're willing to share. Glad to hear that moving on hasn't been painful.

There was a lot of stuff wrong that could not be overcome with me dating who I was. Over all I think it ended as good as could be.

As for Content. I have been doing photography for a long time and enjoy editing photos. Video was alway a lot of work and stressful because I did not have equipnemt that would edit some of the things camaras that I have very well.

I have a lot of camera gear and now that I have better equipment to edit with I am going to be trying to put some stuff together. Not for work but more for fun.
ThatFLGuy said:

There was a lot of stuff wrong that could not be overcome with me dating who I was. Over all I think it ended as good as could be.

As for Content. I have been doing photography for a long time and enjoy editing photos. Video was alway a lot of work and stressful because I did not have equipnemt that would edit some of the things camaras that I have very well.

I have a lot of camera gear and now that I have better equipment to edit with I am going to be trying to put some stuff together. Not for work but more for fun.
My understanding is that the potential for earnings on certain platforms is quite good. I hope you are able to add to your income by way of that if you want to, without jeopardizing your current benefits. Do you have any specific interests in your photography- like nature or people?
Still married and wasn’t honest about that? Major dealbreaker. Sorry you’re going through it but you’ll be much better off without that walking red flag.

A bit more on this without throwing X under the bus.

I knew she was still married but long after there was no point of return. We were already staying together and such when she broke the news. That would have be a deal breaking before we were alread doing adult things.

I never claimed to be perfect with the whole religion/Christianity thing even though I really do/should have know better.

The other BIG!!! Issue is that my parents are her landlords, and my parents are very tirditional when it come to relationships. IE: there was no way I would be allowed to bring a married woman to my parents house for a holiday visit. Cannot even shair a room unless I am married. And my dad is very set on that. Even once threw his own brother and his then girlfriend because he she was still married.

I respect my parents enought to not go there even they did not know she was still married and they have rented to her for a while now.

It was better that things broke off when they did.

I never told my parents that she was verbely abusive but my mom told me tonight that she knew that she was yelling at me all the time because the neighbors called about it. So in the end I am out of a situation that would never have work and now I am set up to have my surgery so. Yea life moves on.
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