Life Changes


Staff member
Hey Honeeecombs here. Just wanted to give you an update on myself.

Well - I'm a traveling worker now if you haven't seen my last couple posts. Doing pavement, concrete, sealcoating outdoor work. Once I get some paychecks rolling in; I think I'm going to swap my Attends Cloth briefs for some GoSupreme Pullups from Northshore for Daytime as I unfortunately do not have the convenience now at work to be able to make regular bathroom breaks. I think the pullups will help movement anyway. Ive been okay with the protection I have; but I think pullups will help be a little bit more flexible and if I get some American Eagle or Hollister boxers to wear over; nobody will be the wiser.

For nightime; I'll continue with the Attends briefs me thinks; might upgrade to something a little more comfortable like a Supreme Lite or Tranquility product now that I have money coming in. I'm just thanking God that having enough protection to last me until now and having jobs that gave me the opportunity to use the restroom frequently so I didn't have to wear during the day.

Living with painful bladder spasms stinks - but living with painful bladder spasms and daytime leakage is even worse.

In other news; as you may know about my eviction situation. My significant other and I came to the apartment with the locks changed. It's a mess of a situation in regards to having to fight this as we feel targeted and discriminated against. Apparently, based on everything - what happened today should not have happened. Which is making us scratch our heads more than ever.

But things are being sorted out. I'm back on the road this evening for work; I'm trying to keep my head down and chin up. I pray that things will eventually turn around for us. I think they will.

I just gotta keep praying.

Blessings In Christ,
Honeeecombs, I can't imagine doing that kind of work and having the discomfort of a wet brief. That is hard work and most construction workers are not known for their understanding. What a disconcerting place to be in.
ritanofsinger said:
Honeeecombs, I can't imagine doing that kind of work and having the discomfort of a wet brief. That is hard work and most construction workers are not known for their understanding. What a disconcerting place to be in.

I'm only 29 with this bladder condition - and while I shook me to my core over the past few years; I cannot allow it to still control my life.

After this morning; I've found while construction workers are rough around the edges - the real concern was my landlord situation. Our eviction was halted this past Friday with a motion to appeal the same day. However, our landlord changed the locks between Friday and Sunday Morning and we are going to find out whether he acted alone or with the help of others. If he acted alone; what he did was break the Law.

Some days we feel we are taking one step forward but two step backs. But I'm positive we are moving in the right direction. Just having to keep pushing forward.

Blessing's in Christ,
You posted a photo of your new place- had you not finished moving your stuff, or... if I may ask, what? I hope you have a roof over your head.
jeffswet said:
You posted a photo of your new place- had you not finished moving your stuff, or... if I may ask, what? I hope you have a roof over your head.

Hey Jeff,

So basically what happened was we filed an appeal under the defense and argument that the local court did not have the authority to authorize the eviction. Currently being reviewed and processed. I should be covered under an existing pandemic program which I made the deadline for.

My significant other and I did end up finding a new place (beautiful actually) - but due to everything that has transpired we have lost so much - so we are currently in the process of appealing and having representation to overturn the eviction and then pursuing punitive damages.

I hope things are well with you; haven't heard from you. Thinking about @scififan as well; I hope wherever he may be - he is truly enjoying the London Comic Con.

Blessings In Christ,
Thanks for getting back to me. I'll be praying that all this nonsense with your landlord ends up in your favor.
Things are okay with me.
1reginald57 said:
Curious....why do you feel "targeted and dicriminated against"?

Well my Dad works under the table for my landlord. When my significant other moved in; I did not know - but my Dad and Landlord were already trying to get the gears in motion to raise our rent to force us out of our home.

Not to mention I heard my Dad say to my neighbor "Were trying" as my neighbor is related to my step family and I've never been truly accepted by them.

Also, had an instance were my landlord trespassed in my apartment without proper notice post a medical emergency early this year. Couple that in, with my dad texting me pushing myself to move while I fought the eviction - I know in my heart; they are doing it for ill reasons.

To give you a little background; my Dad works for the local municipality and is friends with our chief of police as well. The communications he was having trying to push myself out of the apartment was from his city issued cell phone - not to mention the day my landlord trespassed in our apartment my significant other believes my landlord was contacted by either my dad or chief of police. We've been targeted for at least over half a year, if not more. It's extremely sad.

My significant other and I are prepared to fight this tough. It has been a strain on my Incontinence/bladder issues - but we will prevail.

Blessing's In Christ,
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