leakage 2 years after prostatectomy


Staff member
It's been 2 years since my radical prostatectomy and still leaking. I go through on average 6 depends a day. Just started seeing a physical therapist and trying some new exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. My nights aren't too bad maybe up once to go to the bathroom and usually only have to change my depend that one time for leakage. Some days are worse than others leakage wise, the more active I am the less leakage there is. The big problem is when I am not very active, going to a movie, eating out, any kind of socializing where you are just sitting around visiting becomes very uncomfortable and stressful. The thought of any kind of travel where I am not in control of access to someplace I can change is out of the question. My wife and I would like to be able to travel more but I am too nervous about it to plan anything. Just wondering if anyone else has had any success after 2 years of at least slowing down the leakage to a more manageable and comfortable degree.
Hi Henbo. I am 1.5 yrs after Radical prostatectomy and still leaking. However, my pattern is different from yours. I do not leak when sitting and laying, but leak standing and walking. The more I walk the more I leak. I am using 2 diapers per day. If I sit entire day or do minimal standing I can go with 1 diaper. I had certain improvement during the first 6 months after surgery, but it became no better for the last year despite seeing physiotherapist. You can ask your urologist to do cistoscopy test to see if something goes wrong with your healing. I did mine, it showed no problem.
That gives me a hope for possibility of further improvements.
Thanks for the reply nild 19. Strange how different people have different patterns. I wish I could get down to 2 depends a day it would be more manageable and less expensive at least.
Something I'd like you to consider that will help. An engineering partner and I have filed for patent protection for a flexible silicone device that impedes leakage, but is comfortable enough to wear day and night. Being flexible, (to meet comfort and convenience objectives) there will be some leakage under stress conditions, such as when swinging a golf club or maybe a little when coughing. A backup liner would complete the "management system," however. If you, or others, would like more info before trying it out (at no cost), I would be happy to send our materials upon your request. We would welcome you to our volunteer testing group and would appreciate your feedback, though we are activity seeking an industry partner at this time. (i'm 10 yrs post surgery, using a single liner every day or two, but would be three/day without our device.) Best wishes, amhelp@comcast.net
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I suggest you talk to your doctor about a Artificial urinary sphincter. It will give you your life back
Watch the urinary incontinence video on the Sloane Kettering website.
Hello, did you have it done? If no problems awesome. Sadly as with all procedures there are high risks. I had radical surgery 16 months ago. I am at 2 to 3 heavy pads per day. My urologist is recommending art. Sp. surgery. There are very high risks involved. Infection. Failure, worse having to have it removed. Make sure you make an informed decision before any procedure as things can get worse.
I have gone through 3 urologist, infections and hell no need for more.
I reviewed the risks with Dr Sandhu of MSK , The risks were very small. My surgery was successful with no complications.
It is not a complicated procedure.
I'd do it again in a second.
If you'd rather marinate for the rest of your life, have at it.
larryw61: I think your statement about "marinate for the rest of your life, have at it" was a little harsh, but it tells me you may not have found the right level of protection for your incontinence as I never feel like I'm "marinating". And from what I've heard about the AUS device I wouldn't get rid of all of your pads just yet. Nonetheless I (and I'm sure all the rest of us here) wish you the best of luck and hope the AUS works perfectly for you. I suspect all of us here would like to hear about the success you find with your AUS device as it may lead us to the same conclusion as you that a AUS is right for some of us.
Hello Henbo, you will have to talk to some professionals and find the solution that works for you. I’ve not found any quick fixes to my Incontinence but continue to research and look for products that may help. Try not to listen to those who are rude or negative about any plan you may be considering, in the end it’s what ever is best for you and only you!!
I had severe leakage l did kegels till I was blue, tried condom catheters, clamps ,pads,diapers, diapers with pads.
Life is full or risks. You evaluate them and make your decision.
I'm 95% back to normal. I bike, ski,sail scuba off shore fish.
We all have our own journey. I'm satisfied with my decisions
larryw61: I'm sure we're all glad to hear that your are 95% back to normal and happy with your decisions, way to go!!! However I'm sure we're all interested to hear about how you are handling the "other 5%" so we can be prepared should we follow your encouraging example.
The 5% consists of using half a womans ultra thin pad for the occasional cough or sneeze and the inconvience of having to drop trou to pee. No more urinals but I guess one could work that out if it was really an issue.
Any more sarcastic comments ?
My comment really wasn't all that sarcastic as I may be facing a prostatectomy in the future due to rising PSA's. I've heard about the AUS but also heard that they aren't a 100% "dry solution" so I actually was interested in the other 5%. I have to say that if you still have to use a pad, albeit a small one, and you would have to find a stall and drop your pants to pee, the AUS doesn't seem like all that much of a great deal. This is just my personal viewpoint and if it's working out well for you that's great. As always there's no one solution that's right for everyone.
Like I said, we all have to make our own decisions. Ive been in both positions and believe me I'm a hell of a lot beter off now than I was.
95% of those who have an AUS agree and would have it done again.
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