Last night rant


Staff member
Oh boy! Where do I start. Yesterday, I pretty much stayed home in the AC. Not to hot but very muggy. I woke up for the day and lounged around watching TV. Basically a couch potato for the day. Finished my pot of coffee and made me some pancakes and bacon for breakfast. As the day went on I feel asleep on the couch. Good thing I had a diaper on. Woke up soaked to the max. I got up and went to go get changed. Once I changed, I decided to clean the house. It's always a work out for me. My water intake is a lot more than normal. I had one more changed after cleaning. It was getting closer to bed time. Went to my room and slipped into bed. Turned on some soothing music. I feel a sleep. This morning was a nightmare from hell. Not only did I get woken up by the renters above me being I live in an apartment, I also woke up to my bed soaked. Wow! What a mess I had. I had to leave to mess till I got home from work today. Soon as I got home, It was right to the laundromat to wash all the bed sheets and comforter. I usually have a bed protector on. I needed to get a new one. That's what I get for procrastinating. Even had a diaper explosion. Gel all over the place. Yep, what a mess. Believe me. I had a few choice words for myself.
JWT and Kevin, I can count on having an accident when I sleep or nap. “My chair” currently is vinyl. I gotta love having a chair that doesn’t absorb pee and can be wiped down! I also keep a bathroom rug at the foot of my chair, just in case.
I can relate I am willing to bet we all have had a similar situation at one time or another I hope once you got things cleaned up and back in order that your day improved thanks for sharing
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