Lacey Cuff


Staff member
Has anyone tried the Pacey Cuff clamp to help with the constant urine dripping issues? I’m wondering if it works and about the down side of using it.
Thanks for any feedback
Have used a clamp, on a temporary basis. I could tolerate it for awhile, about 2 hours. Can’t leave it on very long. Heard it might hurt the Urethra, or collapse on it, so I quit using it.
Hello @leemo.

Welcome to the NAFC. I am the welcome wagon of sorts, encouraging users to be active on the forums and hope they have a warm welcome. Continence is something that is a personal struggle - regardless of our backgrounds. Here you will find strong, helpful others including myself who will be more than happy to point you in the right direction to choose a life that is not isolating or alone.

Maybe one day, like myself I can look at my reflection and see the condition of past, existing, and future wounds that continence can have on all of us and say

"I did this. I'm stronger than you".

And like many others here who have come and gone, walk out the door feeling cared, loved for, and appreciated for being here.

You will find here many people tend to post in threads that relate to them - so don't be afraid to use the search feature. May you be blessed where you may be.

Warm blessings from a pure soul,
@Leemo I also recommend using the search feature (look for the magnifying glass) to see previous posts about this. There have definitely been several.
Leemo......I purchased the Pacey Cuff and used it several times, it worked but was a bit uncomfortable and takes some getting used to. The adjustments that you need to make to ensure that it works and is relatively comfortable are critical, I'd guess that it would take a solid week of use and adjustment to get to where you need it to be. Fortunately, shortly after my purchase I began regaining control and have not required it. But I am keeping it just in case. It's pricey but a decent product, they're customer service is great and you should lean on them after purchase if you are having issues.

Would this be an alternative? Haven't had the need to try myself...anyone w/ any experience using one????

Condom catheters are external urinary catheters that are worn like a condom. They collect urine as it drains out of your bladder and send it to a collection bag strapped to your leg. They’re typically used by men who have urinary incontinence (can’t control their bladder).

External urinary catheters are less invasive than internal catheters, which drain urine from your bladder via a thin tube inserted into your urethra (Foley catheter) or via a small incision in the skin above your bladder (suprapubic catheter).

Internal catheters are used in hospitals for people who can’t get up to go to the bathroom or who have trouble emptying their bladder (urinary retention).

Men often prefer condom catheters over internal urinary catheters because they’re easier to use, can be changed at home, and are noninvasive (that is, nothing is inserted into their body).

Keep reading to find out who’s a good candidate for an external condom catheter, how to use one, benefits and disadvantages, and more:

Here are some sites where you can buy them:

Hope some of this helps!

Good luck, reset expectations and get some exercise, etc. but take it easy - you & your body need rest, too, especially after work or going out!

Praying for you and all - +God+bless+
I had similar question but also wanted to include the catheter issue. Interested in people that actually used the products and which one was best for them. Thank you to those that give us direction and advice.
Update June 7, 2022. I used the clamp for months 4 and 5 (Jan - Feb 2021) after RALP in Sept 2020


I used the Lunderg Confidence Clamp for a few months - I just needed relief to get from home to doctor appointments without soaking a pad every time I got out of my car.

9/14/2022 Lunderg IN STOCK - updated link at bottom of post

The Lunderg is out of stock. I recommend trying the Wiesner Incontinence Clamp ($35 on Amazon 6/7/2022). It has different size bottom pads to control the pressure on the urethral and not the whole penis.

Both Lunderg Confidence Clamp and Wiesner Incontinence Clamp have 3 sizes bottom pads with a dimple that presses on the urethra to stop urine flow. The top pad does NOT have a dimple. Both use medical grade silicone rubber to cover the bottom and top pads.

It states to release and readjust every 1-2 hours and NOT for overnight use.

I started out wearing the clamp for a few hours a day and added time before using the clamp outside of the house. I wanted to determine correct bottom pad size; pressure (4 locking positions); and how it felt sitting, standing, and walking.

Watched the pressure - I use "for Small" bottom clamp and click it in the second hole. I am able to press the head of my privates and the skin discolors and recolors appropriately. Not to tight to cut off circulation, but has been doing the job.

6/7/2022 Lunderg Clamp out of stock - I suggest trying the Wiesner Incontinence Clamp which is very similar with the different size bottom pads.

Wiesner Incontinence Clamp

6/28/2022 Lunderg Clamp IN STOCK
Lunderg sends through Amazon Prime $39.95 on 9/14/2022 ($39.95 on 12/02/2021) (Out stock on website, but available on Amazon)

Link updated 9/14/2022
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