jeepers life's challenging


Staff member
cant afford any care this year unless partner settles their suit against kaiser and buys private insurance. medicare says two sessions of PT are good enough since my neurogenic bladder is incurable.

So i recycle briefs and do a zillion kegels.

Further challenged by living in slummy apartment with no recycling and infrequent trash collection so we have to be careful about how much trash we generste.
Just do the best you can - all any of us can do!

Also, pray a lot, if you are inclined to do so. I pray for you and everyone else here!
I have found that more prayers are answered when you pray, not for specifics, but for God to just make things better - he usually has a better way and outcome than we can imagine!

Good luck to you Trippi...try to stay positive. And maybe go for a zillion and a half kegals to keep your mind off Sorry, I know, bad joke.
If you are having trouble affording supplies you may try to search for diaper banks in your area. They are mostly aimed at helping people with kids but many also carry adult diapers. As to PT if you and your doc think it will help try talking to the therapists office. If they wont work with you on sone kind of reasonable arangment I would see if you could find a non hospital affiliated PT person to help that may have less constraints not being in a huge medical company.

As to trash? Fuck em. If you generate more trash (within reason) because of a medical issue, your property manager can’t hold it against you. Thatd be discrimination.

Best of luck.
@tripichick I make a point to hit up any Goodwill I pass. I regularly find diapers and pull-ups at a cheap price
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