It is not so bad Jay.
I am now sharing a bedroom in a house for people like myself - some worse some better...but I'm not in constant physical pain anymore due to my spasms. Sure I get them during the day and I'm always running to the bathroom, but I have been getting a good night's rest while discreetly taking care of my medical issue - and none is the wiser. I was able to get more comfortable briefs rather than the uncomfortable ones that worsened symptoms.
Don't be afraid to those who read this - if you are suffering from post surgery, paralysis, or continence issue. You are not alone. No one is the wiser when you are wearing clothes over protection.
I pray for not just myself but for anyone with painful bladder and urgency and urge incontinence issues - it is a constant heart breaking, painful condition to live with.
God is with us - and will hold our hands through anything.
Blessings In Christ,