Staff member
If anyone happens to need or have a loved one who needs diapers/pull ups, either struggling to afford them, or are looking for better quality products that allow a fuller life, please contact me. I have founded an online diaper bank/pantry/exchange program offering youth, teenage and adult sized diapers in both cloth and disposable, offering high quality products in both disposable and cloth options. Those wishing to be recipients may contact me using the methods below, or inbox me either on my personal Facebook account Robert Sullivan or leave a message using the send message button on my Facebook page DIGNDY with diapers. For short term emergent need, for the purposes of this group, one simply has to identify as having special needs, or a caretaker of special needs. No insurance information is needed, and we accept all with need regardless of Medicaid status. Please be able to provide name, address, and telephone number, including zip email if applicable, name and age of recipient, available size information (weight, waist size, pant size), prefered style of product (pull-ups or tabbed diapers), brand and size of currently used product, and approximate number used/needed per day. The name of the organization is actually CARE, but that page was created before i finalized the name change, same with the gmail account. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Robert Sullivan
Founder and Executive Director
C.A.R.E. Continence Aide Resource Exchange
906 630 1268
I'm a 33 year old who deals with incontinence myself on a regular basis, urinary pretty much daily and fecal occasionally. I founded CARE when i realized that families do not know about the high quality absorbent products that can give them and their loved ones better quality of life. And even when I did outreach and told them about products that could help, they couldn't afford them because they weren't covered by Medicaid. That really bothered me. Thus i founded C.A.R.E.
Robert Sullivan
Founder and Executive Director
C.A.R.E. Continence Aide Resource Exchange
C.A.R.E Continence Aide Resource Exchange
تسجيل الدخول إلى فيسبوك
قم بتسجيل الدخول إلى فيسبوك لبدء المشاركة والتواصل مع أصدقائك وعائلتك والأشخاص الذين تعرفهم.
I'm a 33 year old who deals with incontinence myself on a regular basis, urinary pretty much daily and fecal occasionally. I founded CARE when i realized that families do not know about the high quality absorbent products that can give them and their loved ones better quality of life. And even when I did outreach and told them about products that could help, they couldn't afford them because they weren't covered by Medicaid. That really bothered me. Thus i founded C.A.R.E.