Innovo - biofeedback nerve stimulator for in home use. Anyone tried it?


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In one of our clinical studies, 87% of women were dry or nearly dry after 30 hours of treatment.2

Over 180 women participated in the clinical trial. Before using INNOVO, all participants completed a physical therapy treatment plan without results.
The above new product just had a full page ad in the NYTimes. Their website looks good. Has anyone tried this?
I have tried similar things. A device hooked up to the computer in my PT's office. Never something that sofisticated to use at home. These, unfortunately, did not work for me, but they have worked for many. I agree that you should try it.
Thank you. I am trying to find who in my new home area has one. Called the company and they put me through to their rep who sold a couple locally.
I just read the reviews on Amazon. This product has been around for a few years. The reviews were very mixed. Not as positive as I had hoped.
Oh darn. How disappointing.INNOVO looked good.

The Urostym, a computer based nerve stimulator is something I am trying to find now . .. a doctor's office which has a PT or RN who does that.

The only ones I’ve known that have worked for some are the implant type which requires a minor surgery to trial the device. Then and only if you feel very strongly that it’s worth having a hockey puck size device implanted inside your body, then they install one semi-permanently inside you for est. 3-5 years until it’s time for another surgery to remove and replace it.
Keep in mind the salesperson gets a huge commission on each implant & will promise a lot! To get you to install it. Some have had good results some have not. There are other postings in the archives here from people who have gone through it.
I tried one for pain relief and it was a horrible experience…. With the right surgeon & a dedicated team it just might be the solution for you, but tread carefully.
As far as the other device, you can pick up a $50 TENS device on Amazon and get similar results for kegels. I imagine your urologist or even YouTube might help you with lead placement. I use 2-3 tens devices at the same time,daily at times to stop muscle spasms.
Best of luck!
Be too scared to have it implanted but to work in the office to get my nerves active-sounds like a plan.
So happens that I just had my 3rd Medtronic InterStim implanted on Friday, 8/20/21. This is the best one yet. They are now "MRI" friendly; just like my Medtronic heart pacemaker. In fact, they look identical except my pacemaker has 2 leads to my heart, whereas the InterStim has just one lead. They have really worked well for me. I'll post more details on another thread when I get the time.

"hockey puck size device implanted inside your body".
These devices are more like "silver dollar sized", and about 5/16 inch thick. And battery life is much better now.
Thanks for the clarification MezaJarJarBinks!
I am always happy to hear someone has found a solution! I am glad things have worked well for you, mine did not. This is why I cautioned that could just as easily been the Doctors that implanted mine 5 different times in 8 months. I was that desperate for spine pain relief, and hated all the pills as they fogged my brain. It was finally removed in an emergency surgery as it had moved around so much the leads were on my Pericardial Sac, repeatedly nuking my heart and rendering me unconsciousness and in cardiac arrhythmia. Thank God my wife came home early that day, she found me on my shop floor bleeding from a large head wound (they bleed like crazy!) as I apparently did a face plant on one of my tool boxes as I went out!
I have my last stim and leads (2015 Vintage!) in a Lucite frame on my desk, it reminds me that every day here is a gift!
"cout of curiosity who paid for it? and how much?"

Medicare (Missouri) is my primary, followed by our supplemental insurance.

As far as "how much", that depends on whether I have met the deductible for that year.

I haven't received any bills yet for the latest procedure. (We would have to dig through years of documentation to find what we paid for the other 2 surgeries.) :(

May God bless you! :D

Wow! That is terrible that you were hurt so badly! :eek:

The doctor's skill plays a big part in the outcome of any surgery.

I don't know anything about the TENS. The energy output for my InterStim and pacemaker devices from Medtronic are very low. My "bladder buzzer" :) is measured in milliamps from 0-12, and I can control that myself. My pacemaker is controlled by my doctor.

May God bless you! :D
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