Infection and Urinary Retention


Staff member
Hello everyone, back ground on me, never been continent. Three weeks ago I had woken up dry two nights straight, I had to straight cath. This has only happened one other time in my life after a back surgery. ANyways, I start feeling sick and still cathing, I take my Temperature it is 103.9. I go to hospital and am admitted with sepsis, which they believe started in the prostate and moved to bloodstream. I went on iv antibiotics and they put in a foley cath, which grosses me out. I would much rather be in my diapers. I begged my Dr. to release me as after 4 days being in hospital, was probably a mistake, still feel horrible.

My question is has anyone who has always been incontinent have urinary retention? I have to go through the whole urology work up which I haven’t had to do in 20+ years. What testing will I be facing? As well as my original question?

I can’t take this catheter and they said I have to have it for another 10 days... I don’t plan on leaving house until appointments and to top it off 6 weeks of at home Antibiotics....

Thanks for any information anyone has to offer me.
Hey @wbwayne11;

Hey man, I'm sorry you are going through all this. Keep your chin up and if you do not feel right - call for help right away. Sepsis is something you do not want to fool around with.

So my ex had Sepsis which had to be taken care of at home with a catheter - he actually had to have an IV put in - then administered his own meds via the IV at home. I remember an older gentlemen stopped by from a lab and dropped the meds off via a box; probably high powered antibiotics - I'm not sure what you have, maybe the same.

Take your medicine as prescribed - I don't have any other advice other than making sure you are feeling well. I hate that hospitals now a days do this at home - but I don't blame you in regards to wanting out of the hospital - they are no fun either.

Thinking of you and sending prayers your way for a recovery. Keep us updated please.

I go from incontinence to retention every couple of days. Have had urinary tract infections on several occasions
@Wbwayne11 PHEW, good thing you took your temperature and went to the hospital when you did!!!!! Sorry to hear you’re suffering. I think most of us would rather be in diapers than cathed, and be at home instead of hospitalized, so we can relate.

Both of my parents were in the ICU with sepsis simultaneously in 2019. My mom had the flu and pneumonia and my diabetic dad had an emergency partial foot amputation. Sepsis is verrrrrrrrrrrry serious; I’m sure they told you that it can kill you within 48 hours. Both of my parents had long term IV antibiotics and had to go to nursing rehabs. Those antibiotics had aggravating side effects but those are nothing compared to losing your life, so keep taking the antibiotics.

Yes, I have OAB but I also have hints of retention, too. It’s sometimes hard for me to get my stream going, then when I think all the pee is out, nope, I have to bear down to get the rest out. Two hours later I could be walking in a store and discover pee running down my pants leg. So yes, it’s possible to have both OAB and retention.

For a new urinary work-up, they’ll likely do an ultrasound, lots of pee samples to look for bacteria again and again, a cystoscopy, and a urodynamics test. Are you familiar with those?

Take care of yourself and keep us posted.
@snow I knew I was sick, they were putting me in the waiting room with the 50 flu cases. I have to say I was not the nicest of people, a nurse shook her head and said you have the flu like the rest. I heard her walk in other area and said we got a big case of the man flu. She walked out and said get your thermometer, then she took it and it freaked her out. Yelled we need a room…

I told her later never dismiss any patient. I said you have no idea the high pain tolerance I have…. Many people know their bodies much better than any nurses or Dr’s. I could have been able to be on MS meds for the last 6 years yet no one followed up on MRIs they dismissed and my symptoms.

I may end up going back to Hospital tomorrow, my left kidney isn’t feeling right. We shall see,

I truly am tired of being sick, nothing will be getting easier in my life..
I went into septic shock due to an infection after being bathed which was after green light surgery to remove 65% of my prostate. I was rushed to the ER after passing out and lips started turning blue. Super serious is sepsis!!! I was in the hospital for two weeks and was filled with antibiotics every eight hours for two weeks. I felt the ER docs saved my life and was obviously grateful.

I had kidney functioning issues while there so hopefully they'll figure out what's going on with yours. It took several weeks before mine went back to normal.

As has been stated, you know your body. If you don't have a partner advocate for yourself til the cows come home. Try to do it nicely because your attitude is important to get the best care.

Wishing you the best.
@Wbwayne11 I’m glad you stood up for yourself. Last year when I broke my foot, they put me in a trauma room mixed with those with COVID and flu. I said, “What do you think you’re going? I don’t have any signs of flu or COVID! I just came from xray where they said I’m going to need surgery. They don’t do surgery if you have COVID, so don’t go e posing be yo a roomful of people with confirmed COVID!” It worked; I got my own ER area.
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