Increase in leakage with activity


Staff member
Ok. So for the last few days I have been feeling really good about the improvement I have seen regarding leakage during the day and night. Now, for the last two days there has been a noticeable increase in leakage because my activity level has increased ( been cleaning out the garage). Is this typical for most folks. Here is a very brief history regarding my condition: radical prostatectomy on December 3, 2020. Catheter removed on December 14, 2020. At first I was going through 5-6 heavy pads daily while sitting around and walking around in the house. Returned to work (mostly desk/computer work) on January 11, 2021. Have been improving since that date.

Just wondered if others experience a noticeable increase in how much you leak when moving around bending, walking, twisting, squatting etc. And if so does it get better?
Hi,it's normal that you are leaking more if you are bending,moving or picking up heavy stuff,don't forget it's still early from your operation so take it easy,be careful of what you drink also,ifyou want more info on drinks just ask e,this is a site that we don't have to be shy,take care.
I agree with Teddy2834. What you are experiencing is completely normal for your place in the recovery cycle. Just because you physically can perform a task doesn’t mean you should. I’d recommend taking a day or two off and let your body recover to it’s pre-garage cleaning status. Then slowly snd with lighter lifting of objects try to do some physical activity. Your body will tell you if you see over doing it.
My surgery was Dec 2nd. My story pretty much mirrors yours. Just saw my Dr last week. Felt like I was doing good except for the increase in leakage during activities. I spend most days performing physical labor and can see an improvement from a month ago.

Was in your condition late last year. Activity caused leakage. I started doing planks in addition to kagels. Ultimately worked up to crunches. Now my leakage, a few drops, happens when I stop activity, like running. I am good running, but when I stop to rest. Probably more a little concentrated effort.
What's important you have to do your Kegels and don't over do it,I saw my specialist a week ago and I made him laugh,he asked me how many Kegels and floor exercises I was doing a day,I replied 300.He told me not more than 60 a day,too much will make your pelvicfloor muscles too lazy,so now I'm doing as he has told me,I'm very disciplined on what I drink so he told me that at the stage that I'm in right now I am very advanced so by July he told me I should be dry,yes there are days that I leak more but sometimes we don't realize that we tend to do more,so take it easy,I was operated on the 28th.October 2020 so even though we are heald on the outside the inside ofour body takes time,listen WE all passed a hell of an operation.Take care
I seem to fit right in with the majority of responders here that had their Prostate removed in December, 2020 (Dec 15th for me). I share the frustration of having leakage after doing seemingly minor tasks around the house and workshop. I'm down to two to three Shields (by Depends) a day - overnight I'm dry, I'm good for the morning when I'm still pretty quiet, but the afternoon is a constant challenge keeping the little "squirts" under control. I agree with the suggestion of limiting the Kegels to 60 per day -I was probably doing a 100 or more and my leakage was getting worse, as my pelvic floor muscles were actually sore by late afternoon. Anyway, I'm wiser now and optimistic that the future looks good going into the summer travel season. Stay optimistic - the only way is up!!
Thank you all for sharing your journey. I’m going into week 5 of recovery and planning on more walking etc. I’m learning so much from those who have walked this path ahead of me. Thanks again ☮️
To all who have replied, I truly appreciate all you have said. I knew I would get good advice and encouragement from others that are experiencing the same side effects. Much appreciated and best recovery to all.
I had a robotic prostatectomy in December and it's been two months since the catheter was removed. I'll be 69 this month. I've really appreciated reading this forum and this is my first post. I too overdid Kegels in the beginning and now limit the exercises to two 15-minute sessions per day. My physical therapist also emphasized lower abdominal tightening to go along with Kegels. This seemed to make a difference, as I am now down to one pad per day. I have very little leakage while sleeping or sitting or even standing at the computer. I walk about two miles per day and even then the leakage is not bad. I'm working on a cabin and experience the most leakage while getting up and down off the floor. I can stop leaks with forceful acts of will but I can only have faith that eventually my pelvic floor muscles will learn to hold on their own.
I'm now in my 4th month post surgery and last week started leaking more then since getting better. Was doing more STRONG keagle for 25 sec till the next day my rectum heart. Was told that's no good and went back to 10 sec and 10 repd. I have not worked my abs yet. Will that help? I'm 72 this month
My physical therapist calls them "Lower belly/Transverse abdominal contractions" and described them like this:

Activate your abdominals by pulling the lower belly in.

Some visualizations: "Try to bring your lower belly to your spine." "Zip up a tight pair of pants." "Bring your hip bones together."

Hold this contraction five seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times, two sets. Complete laying down and seated in a chair that offers back support.

My therapist called the combination of Kegel contractions and abdominal contractions a "pelvic brace." After I started visualizing my exercises as this pelvic brace I started seeing improvement. I don't overdo them.
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