Inconvenience better other things not so much


Staff member
Not sure if this is the right place for this so if it isn’t please say so. I had a radical prostatectomy in early December by as far as I know an excellent surgeon in a hospital with a good reputation. Ok so just over five months out the incontinence is what I consider to a manageable level. I still hope for totally being dry someday, but the ED has not changed. I had no problems prior to surgery but since then there has been nothing.

Am I expecting too much at this stage of recovery is my concern?
Ok so the title of the thread got changed by my stupid phone. It was supposed to be incontinence not inconvenience. Although most May agree this is an interchangeable word. Haha

Anyway I left out a couple of things besides the ED still being present. I am 57 years old, work everyday on a “desk” job, then work in the garden/yard/ and farm in the evening. So fairly active.
The practice I used for my radical prostatectomy said they had three goals; get rid of the cancer, get me dry, and get me back to pre-surgery level of sexual performance. When I had my two month consultation we discussed progress on all three goals. When we got to sexual performance I told them while I had the libido, I wasn't getting the erection. The doctor said to give it some more time, he indicated that due to the trauma imposed by the surgery that positive results may not show up for 6 - 8 months. You are at the entry point based of that window based on your posting.

Obviously all of us are different and our bodies are reacting differently as we recover.

I'd suggest that you schedule an appointment with your urologist and discuss supplemental actions that you can take to potentially address your ED. I'm thinking a pill routine of viagra or cialis to promote recovery, use of a pump or other ED action he may prescribe. By your own account you are progressing normally on your recovery and with time and the aid of modern science you will regain your sexual functions.
I cannot remember how long it took me to regain my erections, but I do remember it started out not very impressive. Dr.put me on Viagra and it helped. Now 7.5 years as good as before without help. I'm currently 56.
Sorry I forgot to include that I have been on 5mg Cialis daily since the catheter came out and 20mg as needed. No improvement at all.
Thing that gets me the most is no seamen. Also it does seem that upon orgasm I have longer more intense ones. Maybe becayit seems more sensitive.
I’m a little over 8 months out from my prostatectomy. Psa undetectable. Some days I can go with no pad, but most of the time I wear one for peace of mind. I’m 62 and very active. No progress regarding ED though. I’ve tried viagra and the pump with no success. Have an appointment with new urologist in a few weeks so this will be a topic of discussion. Getting rid of the cancer was first priority for sure. ED progress sure would be nice though. Keeping my fingers crossed! Hang in there.
It's hard not to get discouraged about ED, but don't be. Statistically, the chance of you regaining potency at 57 is much better than me at 73. However, I had surgery in January and I regained potency one week after the catheter was removed. I was hoping 12 to 18 months for my potency to return. Everyone's reaction to the trauma caused by the surgery is different so your recovery period will be different from others.
Thanks for all the responses. Yes to a couple of the responses getting rid of the cancer was number one priority followed by being continent. It would be nice to not have to deal with ED. Just curious if I am in the minority or if it is similar to others experience. I know statistically my chances are good. But without knowing exactly how much had to be moved and traumatized statistics are kinda out the window.
We could write whole essays (a.k.a. diatribes) on predictive text and auto-spelling-correction. Grrrr.
Not sure which circle in hell those programmers get sent to.
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