Incontinence After Ratical Prostectomy


Staff member
It has been 5 weeks since the removal of my Foley Catheter and still having problems with incontinence. My instructions from the hospital were to do Kegels for 5 sec hold ever hour during the day. I also unfortunatly read too much on internet which led me astray. Now after talking to a urology nurse she referred me to this site. Bybwgat i have read on this site i clesrly overdone it.
Under Kegel exercises it appears to show two addtional pelvic exercises.Don't understand if these are in addtional or part of kegel.
Clearly Frustrated,

I would appreciate any input or comments

Can anyone provide any personal experience

Thank you
I had prostatectomy in 2015 .l did A lot of kegals afterwards . There is no harm in over doing it.There is much progress of incontinance but never 100%. I am now on one pad a day with pullups. Good luck.
Thanks for your response. At this point I am at 1 med weight pad now, but feel urge after a 2 hr timmed urination .ivtring to train my blatter.
I had my prostate removed exactly one year ago by robotic surgery. Still leaking a little, usually one pad or pull up a day...sometimes two. For some reason the leaking seems to be more prevalent in the evening or when exercising. Kegels definitely help and I agree you probably can't do too many. Don't compare day to day progress. Look month to month. It should continue to get better. At 5 weeks you are still early in the game.
Kegal are worthless. Your only exercising the pelvic floor when the problem is the external sphincter.
Yesterday I was going to the VA which was about 45 minutes away. Unfortunately traffic was extremely heavy which delays me by at least 30 minutes. The urination urges were unbelievable , but was able to hold off. The day before I read about hydration of about 6-8 glasses of water per day.

The combination of me being able to force hold the urge to urinate( extremely uncomfortable)and being more hydrated had almost stopped the urges. I still leak, but the urges have almost stopped.
I though this might helpful to someone. Still doing the Kegels which seem to work if I was able to hold off. Not healed but positive.

PS No where on my written instructions from hospital did I see that.
Yes , hydration is important. My physiotherapist strongly recommends such quantity because it helps bladder control , together with Kegels. It does improve ability to control urges over time .
Currently , 2.5 years after surgery , my bladder control is good during sleep time, and sitting down. But my weakness is drips when walking or standing up.
Good luck.
I had the radical prostatectomy in August 29, 2017 and am using 4-6 pads a day 1-2 pull-up briefs at night. But in the beginning I was using 8-12 pads a day. If I drink coffee, tea, sodas, and orange juice my incontinence was worse. Kegeling is helping but I still have leaks all day and occasional urges. From reports I’m getting they say I should be much better at the 18 month mark. But I am undecided on the artificial sphincter until I see how much better I am at 18 months.
My prostate was removed in September 2016. And, like you, when the catheter came out I had problems. I was totally incontinent. But, I am fully continent now. I have a post on this forum that relays some of the things I learned. The bottom line is go see a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist. Mine worked wonders. You cannot just "do kegels" and most urological surgical centers and staff do not understand this. The kegels are weak muscles that are very easily overworked. You need to go through a program of progressive exercises to bring them back to a strength that can hold back the flow. I had 8 sessions over 3 months. During the course, things were getting better, but I thought I was still leaking. At the 6th session the PVPT told me my muscles were strong enough to be continent. I did not believe it, but she convinced me to try going diaper free at home. Wow, she was right and I have been diaper and pad free since. The last two sessions were the about incorporating core muscles to assist the kegels and what I needed to do going forward. She gave me a regimen to follow for the rest of my life to maintain kegel strength. I do them 3-4 times a week; if I don't, I will start to leak. I hope this helps and good luck!
Hello Gotdry! I just saw your message that you wrote me 3 months ago. I somehow never saw your message but I want to thank you and really appreciate your advice. I just got my referral approved for the Pelvic Floor Psychotherapist and will start my classes next week. Thank you very much again and wishing you all the best. Phil
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