If it's not one thing it's another


Staff member
Have you ever experienced what they call functional incontinence? It means you can't get to the bathroom in time, well I guess that applies to all types of incontinence, but this is due to not being able to move well enough or fast enough to make it in time.

So I'm having dome cardiac issues (congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation/flutter, rapid irregular heart beat). None of this is new, but a recent bout of flu has made it much worse.

I'm having trouble walking very far at all and I'm very weak. Unfortunately one of the treatments for this is diuretics. They do help, but they give me mad urge incontinence. That coupled with not being able to move well has increased my diaper use.

I'm hoping they can fix this, they're talking about cardioversion, basically shocking your heart back into rhythm, but none of the doctors have given that much of a chance. So next I think is a pacemaker where they zap the portion of your heart responsible for the irregular rhythm, so you are dependent on the pacemaker for the rest of your life.

In any case I hope they can do something.
I do hope that the medical people are able to help, sounds like you have enough to deal with already, Phil
This is very hard to hear but we'd rather hear it than worry why we hadnt heard from you.
I can say ive known many people who got a pace maker and unlike the treatments for incontinence they have all, bar none, had a comfortable successful outcome with speedy return to normal life.
I have more minor cardiac issues but take diuretics as well and know how quickly they can overwhelm a bladder, especially one that is iffy already. And mine is a smaller dose. I can’t imagine large doses. They attempted a cardiac ablation on me a few years ago but it wasn’t successful. They were able to use the results to change my medication to one that works much better. I hope they can find some relief for you.
Hey squander, what a raw deal that is for sure!! I pray some day that insurance will help pay for our supplies and give us better treatment options for a lower cost!! I can’t imagine what you must be spending on Dr bills and supplies!! They say what doesn’t kill us will make us stronger so I’m guessing your Superman by now!! Hope things get better for you soon and you can go on happier with each new day!! BTW how was the concert last week? I heard the writers were pretty decent!!
Hi Squander. I'm pretty new here but when I read your post I needed to tell you not to worry about a pacemaker. My daughter had to get one when she was 20 years old and she has lived with it another 20 years so far. She's had four children in that time and the pacemaker has turned out not to be much of an issue. You just have to keep up on your check-ins and that just involves making a phone call. The cardiologist can look at how the pacemaker is performing any time he wants and you don't have to be there in the office or even know that he is doing it. And they are getting smaller all the time. Anyway, good luck on your treatment and I hope your weakness resolves itself. (I agree with you that diuretics are the pits when you already have an incontinence issue!) Be well soon.
@Petejc the concert was a blast. Just what you'd think a bunch of writers playing music would be like. They danced around and made bad jokes. Scott Turow came out in a long blond wig. Amy Tan did "These Boots are Made for Walkin'" in a dominatrix outfit (where did she find one that small, she looked to be about 5'3"). Then all the guys bent over and she mock paddled them.

Stephen King did "Surfin' Bird" by the Trashmen (Bird, bird, bird. Bird is the word) and handed off the mic so everyone could get a "Bird is the Word" in.

A lot of fun and all for charity.

Anyway, back to reality, I'm confident the doctors can help me, it's been all medications so far, although they did try an ablation, but the location was in the wrong place in my heart and they couldn't reach it.

All I know is something has got to give.
That's true Squander. You should have seen me when the doctor came out and told me that my daughter needed a pacemaker. I was a basket case. Especially after they told me that she had flatlined for 30 seconds. I was a mess. It's kind of amazing looking back to see how well she's done and remembering how distraught I was. I hope you can have one of those moments too. Good luck with everything.
@dglaser wow I'm glad she's ok now. It's amazing what the docs can do these days. 20, that must have been tough. At least I'm on the wrong side of my 50's.
You'll be okay too. I'm rooting for you. Heart stuff is scary but with a good doctor it is manageable. Hang in there!
Prayers big time, so sorry to hear of all your issues. Been there where I couldn't get out of bed, when I did I fell-not being able to get up. Taking me 15-20-minutes. Not able to make it to he bathroom-etc. I used to hurt so bad all over-I just plain did not care about anything. I cried all the time. The only one who listen was my little Misty. She would crawl up the bed and put her paw on my cheek and say in doggy love-Mom don't cry-I love and need you. Look at me now, I can walk and I exercise and do not take my health for granted. I want to live now. I didn't before. Keep the faith. Technology is changing and they are coming up with new stuff all the time. Thanks for keeping us posted. I am praying for you Squander. The action of being able to post on this medium is a blessing. We are all praying for you and wishing you the best.
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