IC Supplies


Staff member
I know that everyone has their own needs for IC supplies.I like the pull ups for women heavy absorbency. Any opinions on best brand and price and who you buy them from would be appreciated being on Medicare now. Thanks

I buy my diapers from XP Medical online - I really like comfi dry 24/7 tab style diapers - they work great for heavy wettings at night. I also wear a Gary wear plastic diaper cover to prevent leaks
northshorecare.com also has great products and reasonable prices. They are great to work with if you have questions or want to try samples.
Another vote for Northshore. They are very generous with their samples so you can try different products. I personally like the pull ups during the day. Although I haven't had any problems during the night, I put a booster on as well because the mornings when my feet even start to move towards the floor my problem begins big time. I've been thinking about setting an alarm or something because I don't wake up during the night. Maybe then the mornings wouldn't be such a disaster. Has anyone tried this idea or have any other ideas? Thanks for any thoughts. Much much appreciated.
@wetdad Thank you. I have heard of them. The affordable Depends are just okay. Not great, but we get them at Costco. Recovering from hip surgery and need a pull up that won't leak as a side sleeper. I have developed a rash as a result. Good to know I can try samples.
@treutleinelizabet Thank you for the extra detail. I don't sleep that well with the healing hip and generally wake up to change, but not always. You say that you use a booster pad.. Would a Kotex pad work too? I used to have a bladder of iron, No more. Everyone says try the kiegle exercises. I don't see any real improvement. I'm trying Pumpkinseed oil supplements. Jury is still out. I think sometimes they help but, it takes about 6 weeks I have read.
I've never had the best of bladders-stress incontinence from heavy lifting, frequent UTI's, long history of blood in my urine, ect. But less than a year ago the urge incontinence really went nuts. I have a long standing history with my Urologist so she is aware of my current situation. I get reoccurring shingles and the last time the outbreak was really bad. That was about the same time my bladder started giving me a whooping two second warning. Thank God I'm retired. I'm having a really hard time mentally with this problem and I can't even begin to wrap my head around having to drive an hour to work each way! Towards the end of my employment I was really having a hard time getting home without having a problem. Many a day my bladder contents were emptied on my front porch! Can't tell you how many shoes I trashed. But then after retirement I thought things got better. Until recently. I really hate this. I feel disgusting, ashamed and fearful of going out in public. The last time I was out my hubby and I had a really good time but when we got home I stood up to get out of the car and starting voiding with such a force that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't make it stop. And it seemed to go on forever. This was in the beginning and it was very upsetting to me. I was yelling,"stop it, stop it!!" As if that was going to help. All I could do was spread my legs and stand there until I was empty. The scary part was I never even felt that urge at all until I actually stood up. I just don't know what to do. I gotta get a better grip on this I'm thinking. I don't want to live like this. I have learned to stand up slowly from the couch. Learned about when I had a room full of people. I went to stand up quickly and what felt like a large surge came out. I let out a sound like,"AHHH!!!" And sat right back down where I stayed. My husband asked if that yell was from a sudden sharp pain? "WHY YES DEAR, IT CERTAINLY WAS." I guess you figure out one thing at a time. So I've got a few things figured out. First and foremost: did I mention that I hate this?
I am so sorry- I never really answered your question. I buy the booster pads from Northshore as well. I've learned that if you use them for extra help you must make sure of proper fitting: make sure none of the booster extends past the elastic of the pull up. I'm not sure if a period pad would do the trick because they are made for menstrual blood and boosters are made for urine - well- the ones I use are made for urine. I'm not really sure. I'm not the best person to ask I'm thinking. One way you could find out....give 'er a try. Best to you and yours.
@treutleinelizabet Man alive, you sure do have a lot on your plate to deal with.I used to only wear the pull ups at night, because I couldn't get out of our CA King Waterbed fast enough to get to the bathroom. But, then after I fell and broke my hip - with surgery and 3 weeks of being stuck in bed in rehab it seemed to get worse. Even if I had some warning I couldn't move fast with the walker. And other times it just seems to fall out.And yes,I wonder if it will get even worse. It really is a pain planning ever move for everything! Makes me crazy! - My husband had a below the knee amputation 3 years ago and he gets around better than I do. What a pair we make. We often wonder what people think about seeing the guy with the
prosthetic pushing the other gimp in the chair. HA!
You made me laugh and I thank you for that. I honestly don't have alot on my plate. It doesn't feel that way. I feel very thankful that I am retired from Civil Service. I am feeling yuckie because of this uncontrollable peeing without warning. I need to formulate a plan of some sort. Of course with the understanding that said plan is always subject to change. From what I read on this forum alone has taught me incontinence is fickel and unpredictable. Did you break your hip on the rush to get to the bathroom? I've been recently trying to educate myself concerning incontinence. I recall reading an article just recently that stated running to get to the bathroom, especially during the night, has an inceased potential to end in a fall that can be extreely disasterous. Did you write that article??? Or perhaps you should have read that article?? Just joking with ya. But really: is that indeed what happened- if you didn't mind my asking?
No,I don't mind you asking and I wish I was hurrying. I was born with a mild case of Cerebral Palsy 10 weeks premature. Thankfully I was completely normal except I walked with a pigeon toed gait.I had very good upper body strength which compensated for my weak legs.I had a good life, traveled alot,jumped out of an airplane with my Dad and sister,married for 40 years so far and 2 beautiful daughters, and 4 grandchildren. But, moving the wrong way for years takes its toll on your muscles and joints. Having a built-in mobility problem - I think the normal aging issues seem to hit sooner. It was all very gradual, but my balance, and back started going. First a cane, then a push cart and for longer distances my husband pushed me in a transport chair. I always thought that I would be fine. I could push through anything. But, Bill always knew it would become a problem, but he didn't care. He loved me. - One day in the kitchen this past October I was throwing away something, over reached and lost my balance. Down I went cart and all. Of course I had taken enough tumbles, but this one felt different. Bill said it even sounded different. I crawled and got pushed into the family room. I knew that I was in denial and he said if I couldn't get up the next morning, 911 it would be. And that was it. The socket was fine, but not the ball. Sure wish I could go back to just being slow, cause now EVERYTHING is a project and takes forever. Drives me nuts! Really can't complain compared to some others difficulties, but now doing everything is quite a bit harder. - What do you mean I'm not still in my 20'S? Who thought of this? I protest! - 😊
Hey Pammy53. And to think you thought I have alot on my plate!? So sorry for what you are dealing with. But I must say the tone of your writing makes you sound like a very upbeat gal. Sometimes it all we got, ya know? What do you do to keep your mind busy while resting your body? I ask because when I was first retired I was really sick with my COPD and I have found for me the worst part is the zero physical energy. So it took me over a year to find what I refer to as my "sea legs" So after much mental regrouping I discovered crafting. I would say it saved my sanity. I began with upcycling cans and decoupage various images to them.Mind you I'm that person who can barely draw a stick figure! Somehow that evolved into do images on tee shirts, dish towels, ect. I bought myself a Cricut Air 2. For me it had quite a learning curve but good ol YouTube to the rescue!! Sure do love me some YouTube how to videos. So then sonny boy bought me a really super cool heat press. I like to say the President bought me my color laser printer. I guess my point to all this is that creativity, no matter at what ability, is in all of us and it can be a real life saver. I am hoping you have some sort of creative outlet. Keep fighting the good fight as they say!! Oh, one more thing: I would not want to be 20 again - too lonely and hard. Now 40 maybe I'd be game. To think that was 20 years ago!! Like you I have been happily married to my Best Friend for going on 35 years. I recently read a saying that said being married is like having a constant sleepover with your favorite wierdo! Gotta love it!
@Pammy53 I prefer Depends Night Defense (the strongest they offer). I get them at a grocery. Depends offers lots of good coupons, usually $2/off but up to $3/off. $12 for 14. I like that they’re available everywhere and I don’t have to receive costly, embarrassing deliveries. A lot of people here hate Depends, but most of them haven’t tried them recently. Genuinely, a lot of people do need a diaper more serious like a North Shore. I know one day I might, and I’ll know where to go when I need to, thanks to this forum! Pull-ups are much easier to finagle than diapers.

@treutleinelizabet I recently broke my foot in four places, displacing it both laterally and vertically. Had to have surgery and plates and pins. Four months of recovery.

Guess what I was doing when I broke my foot? Getting up in the middle of the night to rush to the bathroom! My foot got caught in the sheet, but I couldn’t tell because my leg was numb from sciatica. I put my foot down totally sideways then stood up all the way like that. The noise of the breaks was so loud it woke up
my then sort-of boyfriend.
@snow Hey snow, yes like everyone one else I started with regular Depends. At first only at night. But,after I fell and broke my hip, surgery and 3 weeks of rehap practically bed bound the IC seemed to have gotten worse. I'm better moving, but still slow. I have tried the night time Depends. They are better than the regular ones, but they both leak if you are a side sleeper. I use a pad, but plan to send for samples from North Shore and a couple of others to see how they are. More expensive, but what do you do? I fear that as time goes on, the IC will get even worse. I am better hip wise,but still slow and find myself limiting my fluid intake depending on what I have to go leaving home and for how long. Glad you are okay with the more affordable Depends.
@treutleinelizabet OH my gosh, hearing about your broken foot made me cringe! That had to be an absolute nightmare! - As far as how I spent my time ? For the first year and a half of Covid we didn't do alot except for MD appointments and prosthetic appointments for my husband plus grocery shopping. My salvation was pool class at the Y which came to an end when Covid hit. I LOVED it. Exercising in water, it didn't matter if I lost my balance (even pre hip) I was in water. I was safe. Plus, the freedom of movement was much better. I was even often called graceful.Wow! Such a compliment compared to dealing with gravity. - I loved my 20's and 30's mostly because even though I had moments of insecurity, I was strong.I did alot of fun stuff. Spent a semester in Spain, saved for a year and took a leave of absence to spend 4 months traveling around Australia and New Zealand living in youth hostels and meeting all kinds of people with my sister. Saved again to travel the U.S. with my boyfriend. All which led me to my husband Bill, our kids and a busy hectic life. Had I not been able to do all that then, alot probably would have been different.- But, everyone's years and experiences are different. Not necessarily better or worse. - I can barely do a stick figure either.You have my admiration for all that you are doing creativity with your time. No matter the finances I should be doing more than I am. Bill and I still laugh alot amid dealing with the medical field. Like for you and your sweetie, Bill is my best friend. Though everyone gets frustrated, sometimes for too long. But, I never have forgotten what my grandmother used to say. - "Life is what happens when you are making other plans"
@snow As it happens,I just got off the phone with Northshore to get a sample of the ladies most absorbent pull ups. A sample of 2 was free! Hey,
I'll take it!
Hey all. Just want to mention that I went to their website (Northshore that is) There was a section on the bottom of the home page where I was able to choose 2 of each item that they sell. I do have health insurance from my retirement but it seems a no go for coverage. There's a joke there somewhere. Oh yes: I called the doctor
And the doctor said:
" Lay off the Hershey bars
and go to bed."
"I'll see you tomorrow at 9:45
Put on an over-nighter so you'll be
safe on the drive."
True story. Take care everyone.
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