I need help!


Staff member
I am a 67 yo woman, have been battling both types of incontinence for several years. I am retired, and no insurance outside of medicare. Because I live in a very small town, medical care is not stellar. I really have no confidence in the primary care physician promoted by united healthcare. I suspect my incontinence was a result of childbirth, with an episiotomy. What can I do to get the Dr to investigate my problem?
I'm sorry to hear about your challenges. The best type of physician for woman with these types of issues is a uro-gynecologist. Your local hospital likely has at least one on staff. They often have the accreditation "FPMRS". My own mom spent years with a urologist who did very little for her. When she switched to a uro-gyn, the issues were immediately diagnosed and treated. good luck!
Based on info you provided you should seek a urologist in a larger community. You can contact United Healthcare for referral or look at reviews on Google for different doctors.

Good luck.
You do need to see a Urologist for bladder incontinence. If you have bowel incontinence you will need to see a Urogynecologist. fecal incontinence is much harder to cure. Good luck
I don’t know what state you live in but I’m in pa and have Geisinger gold advantage plan has been great for me but I would talk to someone like area of aging they should be able to give you all your options for your state and county as to who is available
Based on some of the things you mentioned involving fecal incontinence, my suggestion is that you might take an honest look at your diet. I found that a favorite beverage that I was having was the culprit in my fecal incontinence. I was okay with one a day but when I started having two a day is when I started having a problem. At least that was my experience with that issue. Once in a while I will have a problem even with one a day so I back off to every other day for a while and that takes care of it.

Everybody is different and our diets and habits are our own. I hope you find the answer soon. And JSSSCC is quite right. A gynecologist with associated urology is probably the best advice. Especially if the gynecologist is a woman. I have a wonderful gynecologist who takes her time and we have a good exchange of information. She's also young enough to be my granddaughter!
I did get tested for food sensitivities. I did get several items that I am now avoiding (peanuts, eggs, wheat, dairy). Unfortunately for me it is hard every day. I also believe that artificial sweeteners don’t agree with me. Since it’s so difficult to know what is in so many of our foods I do struggle with incontinence. I ended up having an Interstim implanted in my backside. I was having trouble getting my bowels to work and food issues. It sucks.
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