I need help


Staff member
Hi ... so I'm new here and I suffer from nocturnal euneresis. Bed wetting only occurs in deep sleep at nights and I'm woken by either my boyfriend or from abdomen pain in the night to realise I'm wet. It's sooo embarrassing sleeping with my partner and having this problem. It happens a couple times per month and worst when it's cold and I forgot to cover up with sheets. I went to a doctor she said it was psychological and she didn't know what waa wrong. I haven't been to another doc and I really need some help. I also notice at nights when I'm not sleeping I constantly go to use the bathroom. This has been happening for years since I was a child until now ... also periodically dry seasons. I'm 23 .. can someone please help me. I'm at the point of giving up.
Welcome to the group, you should see a urologist who deals with incontinence and talk to a consular they can help too. You should think about diapers at night and talk it over with special friend. If you do decided to use diapers try north shore diapers. I been incontiened for years do to a small bladder and wear diapers 24/7. I get my from north shore diapers and work great for me. Yes it seems scary and helpless at times but with support from friends and family, doctors you should feel less stress about it.
Welcome. You have come to the right place to chat and get support. Please try not to feel embarrassed about your bedwetting as it happens to many more people than you may realise, of all ages and for many reasons. I have had issues all my life since being a teen and have had various investigations and tried medications but still never been reliably dry at night. The biggest issue in early adulthood was embarrassment but I have been blessed to have a very understanding and supportive wife. We deal with it by wearing nappies (diapers) at night and have become so used to this. At least the bed stays dry and we have undisturbed nights. I know wearing protection may seem hard to get your head around but believe me it works
"It's psychological" is one way doctors say, "I'm too lazy or disinterested to take your problems seriously. Go away." Some problems are indeed psychological, but too often that's just an excuse for a doctor who doesn't know what to do and doesn't feel like learning about what to do.

As @Kevin1962 mentioned, you should see a urologist or urogynacologist. If the first one can't or won't help you, try another. It sometimes takes several tries to find a doctor who is willing to work with you on solving incontinence problems.

There are a number of things that can cause adult bedwetting, such as underproduction of antidiuretic hormone, small bladder capacity, overactive bladder, and bladder stones or infection. These should be looked at systematically by your doctor. They will do a variety of tests to figure out what's going wrong, and work with you too find a solution that works for you.

Not all cases of bedwetting can be solved, but your doctor is doing you a disservice to just assume that yours must be psychological and isn't worth investigating.

Good luck, and please keep us posted! Solving this kind of a problem is a journey, and there are lots of people here who can give you wonderful support asking the way.
Even if the issue is psychological, we still need help. Most likely it is both, physical and mental. we have to remember the brain controls our body, when things are broken somewhere there is an issue. I am getting a nerve conduction study done in August, maybe this is something to investigate. The can follow the information. Even if they find nothing, this is information on your body.
Try a bottle of ProstaGenix. I took it both before and AFTER radical prostectomy, and could sleep thru the night right after surgery. (almost unheard of according to my Urolgist. My wife (a woman) was taking it unbeknownst to me) to help her sleep thru the night. I am nine months post surgery and I may have a control issue if I am stupid about waiting too long, but sleeping thru the night and not waking up soaking wet was HUGE to my self esteem. Show the ingredients to your doctor and if they can find anything that will harm you, pay attention. No one has written me back on this site and said they had a bad experience with it.
Echoing Itapilot, above: Get thee to a urogynecologist! In that profession, it's likely to be a female, and she will have seen all kinds of incontinence issues and be both sympathetic and systematic in finding what is happening with your bladder/urethra. And don't think for a second that you are the only one with this issue! This is a good place to get great advice, share experiences,get support and sympathy. Stay positive!
First off, I came to this forum in the same spot so you are not alone.

I wet the bed due to ptsd and it happens when I’m in a deep sleep or with night terrors/sleep paralysis.

Wear the diapers. It makes sleep so much more peaceful. Don’t be ashamed. I’m sure your partner would rather wake up dry as well.

Rearz is good. Pricy though. But I wake up with a full brief and they don’t leak.

Bambino is good too!

North shore. I got the rainbow colored ones and they work great. So does Better Dry

Everyone is great on here and knows the feeling. You are not alone!!
I agree with what everyone above has said, particularly that once you get over the self-esteem hump that comes with admitting you need to wear pull-ups at night, you can start to see them as a tool like wearing eyeglasses. You’ll get much more peaceful sleep when you know you’re safe from wetting the bed by wearing protection while you sleep. I also recommend placing disposable or permanent bedwetting pads down under your fitted sheet. Makes clean-up after accidents much easier. These are sometimes referred to as chucks.

I also recommend seeing another doctor. Incontinence can be a say of very serious problems like Multiple Sclerosus, cancer, or spinal cord damage after an injury. Usually people don’t have these severe conditions, but it’s a good idea to find out for sure that you don’t.
Sometimes enuresis is caused simply by poor muscle control. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause it due to the total body muscles relaxing. It's been encouraging to read that people are getting control by persistent use of the Kegel exercises. My advice also is to see a urologist and/or gynecologist and be up front with every thing that you do in your daily routine.

I learned about flop houses where homeless alcoholic men soaked the unprotected mattresses. A man who owned one of these buildings bought the used mattresses that my husband and I were replacing in our ski area motel. He bought all 20 of them for $5 each in 1982 and trucked them off!

I hope you can get this challenge figured out.
You shouldn't have to suffer or be embarrassed. Get a referral to a urologist or urogynecologist to get a proper diagnosis. Get a referral to an incontinence PT - there may be exercises you can do. And wear protection-however embarrassing, it's infinitely better than getting your bed linens or yourself wet. You can see from all the responses that we are a helpful and kind group of people.
Hi @Ash and welcome to our forum!! With how you're describing what's going on with you, you have come to the right place! Do, by all means, get to another doctor, definitely one who won't just throw in the towel and says it's psychological and/or just says "I don't know." But please don't give up! I see by your flag you're in Jamaica, so it may take a search to find someone like a urologist, or as others suggest here, a urogynecologist. In Jamaica, that may be a university clinic or hospital or even a medical college.
In the meantime please consider wearing protection certainly for your own comfort as much as for your boyfriend's comfort. And pads under the sheet is also a great idea as well. It will take some getting used to but you will soon realize that it is much better than waking up wet and you'll say "why didn't I do this before?"
I hope you feel encouraged by talking with us and let us know how things go. If you have questions, then please know you have found the right place!!😊
Enough folks have commented on finding another doctor, but I'll give you a +1 to that. Have you ever tried keeping a "bladder diary"? It may help you find some hidden trigger since your accidents are so sporadic. Just write down everything in and out for as long as you can and see if any of it corresponds with an accident.

I see you've been given the advice to go with protection, and that's not a bad thing. You may need to experiment to see if it's cost prohibitive since you're not having nightly accidents.

Lastly, I see you've got a lot of shame when it comes to your partner. It's totally understandable, but I don't want you to feel like there's something wrong with you. A lot of us suffer from bedwetting, or full incontinence and have successful relationships. It can seem like you're the only one but you are far from it! Just hang in there.
Acidic foods and sparkling water/soft drinks and chocolate and caffeine can all make problems worse. There is a list of foods to try to avoid. It might help to keep both a food and bladder diary.
Welcome to the forum and hope you get some help here.

I manage mine using an external catheter and linking it to a 3 litre night bag which I hang under my mattress. I have OAB AND diabetes. Have you had your blood sugar tested?
laalaauk said:
Welcome to the forum and hope you get some help here.

I manage mine using an external catheter and linking it to a 3 litre night bag which I hang under my mattress. I have OAB AND diabetes. Have you had your blood sugar tested?

I will be getting that done as I'm making an appointment to see a gynecologist as soon as possible
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